Monday, January 1, 2018

for all the joy that is to come

"My goal in life is to be one of those people who are just light. You see them and you suddenly feel so warm inside and all you want to do is hug them. And they look at you and smile with the warmest light in their eyes…. and you love them. maybe not in a romantic way but you just want to be close to them and you hope some of their light transfers onto you."
happy 2018 || 2017 was a fucking hurricane that swept across my being and left me with 
baggage i never asked for; but today i am happy and thankful for everyone currently in my orbit.
thank you all - the world keeps spinning.

perhaps i'd rather burn in my sunshine

|| "Once 
you were made of the sky
do you remember that?

Before they told you
what you were supposed to be
Before they destroyed
your elegant wings.

Before they tricked you
and chained you to an idea
to a prison they made for you
branded you with a label, with pain

Tried to remold you
into something 
easier for them
to understand.

But your blood 
didn’t let you
forget, did it?

The taste of the sky,
The memories of flying
to the horizon just to kiss
the sun before he fell asleep.

Once Apollo himself loved you
so much, that he softened 
the sun’s heat so it could
not melt your wings.

He is still waiting for you
to remember who you were
before they turned you
into something they understood.

Come, you have always known
what it would take
to eat those chains,
to fly free again.

Nothing about this 
was ever going to be easy
Freedom was built 
on backs and bones and blood.

Take the thing 
that is owed to you.
Forge new wings 
in the belly of betrayal.

Watch them quiver
as you rise again,
this time breathing fire
your spine made of fury.

Show them what happens
when they try to take the voice 
from those born of the sky
Become your own battlecry." ||

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