Tuesday, September 8, 2015

July - Aug part 2

Part 2
Sometimes Jia decides to be a spammer HAHAHHAHA i cannot
*heart eyes*
 Went for his uncle's housewarming steamboat then he sent me home (where i discovered a box of tokyo bananas woohoo)
School! Sigh i really don't know what happened but i really hate school now; anyways this was the week he had leave and quite obviously i rushed off after school to meet him to remain sane because school drives me nuts nowadays @_@ also realised i don't even bother mixing around or anything anymore i just stick with this bunch which is enough for me.
quite apparently both jia and i are facing the same ns effect HAHAHAHA and that one time my mum MIA-ed on me for almost an hour half and answering my "what rice" qns with "rice" #badtexter
lol @ my face in school
Sometimes i'm inclined to say i wish i met your grandmother bc i've heard tons of adorable stories about her and heard her voice at least twice; but they say be careful what you wish for so i'm not going to risk getting scared in your home xD
That one day i got onto a SG50 bus. Also tried to bake (make something, since i do not own an oven  yet) and uhm i missed out one ingredient and it looked terrible......... T_T
in my defense it looked pretty promising before it came out
Casually checking out packaging at cold storage and got surprised :') 
Thank you for the beautiful flowers dear! ^_^ had sakae buffet with jia afterwards!
food for thought

Went to ccp because i wanted to try salad LOL sorry i'm so ridiculous mluv, thank you for tolerating my shit
him not wanting to hold my hand at "maximum level" because i was being embarrassing in public HAHHAHA
Take english phonetics i said, it will be fun, i said.
the day we had a mini freak accident which resulted in my first visit to a clinic in years xD also that's an ugly bow-tie someone gifted him which he wore only during photo taking (during his friend's party that is)
Maggie party with the usual ones in my happy dress ^_^
Sasha!!! It's so sad when you have friends with dogs because you have to watch their dogs age too T_T
Lucky turned 1! \^_^/
tam jiak gao caught in action HAHAHA

found a sunflower in school
Surprised Nic for her actual bday hehe
Boarded another sg50 bus but this time with a minion bonus. Also travelled to gedong on the worst possible route ever HAHAH never gonna take 67 again man worst mistake ever HAHAHA.
Boy!!!! He is like a plumper version of Lily :') i miss Lily :-( also this is my dinz for 1 alone at bomb's HAHAHA 
watched romance of the condor heroes after white chicks 
sry for being annoying i wuf you
HAHAHA fish being annoying
doesn't really like taking pics with me it seems
LOL this person scared me can u pls don't hang your clothes like that during 7th month

YAY last week of working 10-3 on saturdays, really ate up alot of my (already limited) paktor time :-(
HEHEHE end of post likka finally! :-) 7th's in 6 days hurhur

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