Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Vesak Day = long weekend hehehe. Went to Malaysia with his famz again! 
Always so thankful i'm included in family outings and never made to feel awkward. Sigh always leaves me wondering what kind of right did i ever do to be so lucky now?! Life isn't gr8 all the time but life is extra meaningful and fun with Eugene around huehue. Can't wait for the day there's more time for him to slowly integrate into my uh... circle? HAHAHA jia is the only lucky one who manages to enjoy his humour quite often now! Even jun agrees that once we all meet we will laugh die......... at the expense of me ;_; because i will be the joke
This time round we had more time since we went in the morning so we had a lot more time for our nonsense/food
Saw this flying squirrel(?) like animal on sale omg it's only like... 10SGD???!!! it's super soft and adorable!!!! The other picture is some live footage of some foot reflexology going on, lmao literally live footage hA haHahAHAHaha
Dinz with my mum before we caught Unfriended with his friends!
wuHu swim date because i wanted to be under the sunlight without perspiring LOL
HAHAHA sekewt when he didn't have snapchat yet
Hehehe jiahui mah babe :*
Went to the zoo for a learning journey with the new class! But tbh all i've done the whole new acad year is stick with TD02 lol
had swollen eyes and looked like absolute shit that day  l m a o
Sweet friends cuz i could only meet them on Friday nights nowadays :') but that dinner date never happened either because my group took way too long to finish the report and they had to help my group print the report even T_T by then i had to rush off for the final presentation already  (WOOHOO)

This was also the day i started to plant stickers on my runny eggs xD
Then it was friday night which is my favourite night now because i get to see my man huehue
Forgot why we were at Tampines...??? But we saw a guy that really resembled James White tho
Looking back... my hair was really horrible?!? Think it was even more horrible than the first time i went out with Eugene to Bras Besah to print my pineapple assignment (my goodness that was so long ago?!!??!) 
Hehehe i think these pictures are nubbad (if only lighting was better -_-")
& yes it seems i spend every ticking second on weekends with him omg i feel like such a leech on(for?) his time T_T but it's the only 2 days (and a night?) that i get to see him so i guess sometimes in life....... you gotta be greedy HAHAHAH #selfconsolation #pleasedonth8meswarley
SIGH hello my dearest handsomest old man it sucks to know you're getting so old already :-( i've always been so much closer to you than my own dad HAIS sometimes i wish i could immortalize you in all these polaroids or keep you in my sunny pocket. I will always remember how you come down to Tampines all the way from Boonlay when i was much younger everyday and watch Animal Planet with me and buy goreng pisang/tehc for me secretly without momma's knowledge. You are my true partner in crime;I love you so so much even though you will never come across this <3
hehehe popo
Random photo of me sleeping in china LOL hug the food so tightly for what?!?! and HAHAH conversations like this make me laugh really hard in the middle of class
ew @ submissions and HAHAHAHHAHA jhove and i got terminated
LOL sometimes cannot discern if chua is a joke or is funny *crossing fingers he will never find this* also that is me trying to decide on a background for an insta pic and jia says i'm super gay :-(
yep this was the day i miss 8 bloody frikkin buses to school WHEN I LIVE JUST 15 MINUTES AWAY. All the buses just drove off? Like sbs pls can you up your game i went from my home to SAFRA where there is 2 more buses that goes to TP and i still could get up none zz
Met up with the girlies before meeting my baby :-)
Went to town the next day with Eugene and waited in kino while he went for lunch/caught up with his BMT m8s! Also the day i was accidentally breathing the same air as the abtm cast LOL
Hehe had kbbq to celebrate our 3rd, thank you for always spoiling me! Time flies so fast but also seems to pass so slow, can't believe it's only been 3 months with you (then)! Looking forward to more adventures (which will only get more exciting after you ord, hehe) with you ^_^
Weekends are our pig out days, except i don't do anything usually to deserve it at all LOL no wonder i'm out of shape ("but circle is a shape")
Wimbly Lu with Jia!
I think if i tried to post all the pictures we have taken over the years of our friendship, a week wouldn't even be enough
Eugene surprised me again! T_T always through the help of Jia, hehe jia if you are reading this thanku babe :* it's so weird thinking back now, cuz the first time i said hi to Eugene Jia was there too!??! Life's coming back to me in a weird circle (and i'm so so so glad they get along ((right...!?!? HAHAHA)) and don't hate each other or anything like that) easily very precious people to me :*
Yeah i cut my hair the next day .____. 
Thank you for the invite Feon ^_^ thank you for always letting me tag along to your meetings i'm so glad your friends don't hate me T-T
AHAHAHAHHAHA then and now
Yijun's hehe
We had mookata and wuHu i loved the thai iced milk tea!!!
Her bro asked this..... 
so i did this.........................
before school > after school lmao rly hate school
hehe my qt
Hehe DOTA before we started our Jurassic marathon before Jurassic World came out

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