Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Lucky isn't very into it as you can see -_- HAHAHA brought him swimming @ Serangoon!
LOL both of them have the same face in the second pic and there is Lucky avoiding making friends in the last pic sigh
Aigggoooo so adorable guess he felt lonely so he wiggled his way up
HAHAHAH @ THE 0km/h snap tho
One of the rare days i wore jeans LOL everybody was like uhM why are you in jeans????
Vannie being sweet + my popo
Met his clique, chilled @ bedok reservoir all the way | Went for his recce the next morning!
then continued being the annoying shit girlfriend i always am throughout the day huehue 
Went for a first aid course!
The same old man i see downstairs daily.. hmmm and huehue had a pretty bruise
Chalet which i missed most of because it was during my submission lmao
Xiuqi visited the place Wuthering Heights was based off on T__________T SO JELLY
Hehehe baked for mluv, thank you Jia for lending me your kitchen/tools and it looks unpleasant but taste nice ok!1!!
TSK this boy. Can never be mad at him tho?! Always manages to redeem himself within seconds
"Poor Eugene" they said... :-(
HAHAHA SEE?????? :') anyway met up with Jun and Denz @ the airport before i flew off to Msia!
Msia was a very dreaded trip LOL wasted 1 entire and perfect week of my school break zz. Also wasted one weekend with him zzzz. Was supposed to return by Sunday but w0w terribly suay and couldn't get any ticket back so i couldn't even send Eugene to book in :-( broke my wombo-combo of doing so continuously ;_; No but seriously, i was dead bored so if anyone is thinking of travelling to Msia it's a 1/10 (1 for gr8 relatives living there, if any) would not recommend from me. 
Left my rubberband on for too long and hand turned slightly purple LOL ew
Can't really see what she is typing but she is texting her husband and still calling him "dear" hehe #goals
Lived in my mum's aunt really big house and there was wifi so i guess i've nothing much to complain about (except that i was dragged out of the house 80% of the day) ((but still)) really thankful we had her!
Second pic is accurate to what i felt 99% of the time in Msia

Also i was so bored i mastered a reverse braid LOL also we tried Village Park's Nasi Lemak!
Hehe my sweetest :*
Also got drunk high-texted by him which was sooo funny omg it was so endearing (and jia, no shit HAHAHAH)
This one day we went to many farms and shizzles, sight of animals made me really sad sigh
Got stopped many times on the high way because of cows... goats... dogs... cats... you name it
Went to Tanjung Sepat for seafood!
Went to 情人桥 as well! Before all these we had mui choy bao from Hai Yew Heng!
Dinner's view!
Lazy to retype so:
Visited Malacca the next day! LOL ate @ Jonker's Street
These durian puffs were amazeballs omg KSL has it!!11!! Gonna drag Eugene to eat it the next time we go
So glad i got to watch shows on the way back if not i will really die of boredom LOL
evolution of my contact name on his phone hehe
Finally saw my Luffy after AGES and she kissed me T-T and she's so much more well behaved now!
Tyson on the other hand is turning 5 this week but somehow evolved back into his puppy behaviour and as his owner puts it, is a complete asshole now LOL. Well trained, obedient, but just an asshole whenever around girls. He ripped a hole in Lynn's pillow tsk.
Met a 12 YO mini dachshund... yup lucky is a scam xD
'twas a very long weekend for us, and i really appreciate him spending most of it (actually, usually ALL of it) with me :') There's so little i can do LOL except let him play DOTA because he doesn't have the time to do so at all nowadays #nslife
Woohoo got A for my previous CDS as well but i feel abit stressed i will screw this one up LOL
WEW the day my house was finally not in huge mess anymore cuz my new toilets are done!
Met him up after school/his book in and went to walk around/shop before meeting my mum for dinner then going back (to his) home. Can't imagine what life will be like after he ORDs?!?!? Like suddenly i will be able to see my love almost any other day?!?! Woohoo can't wait to complete this current journey and embark on the next (yes i think completing ns is actually on our bucketlist) ((except i don't serve la i'm too weak haha)) ALSO today is SAF50 so WUHU happy SAF50 baby and all other men who are serving/served NS thank you for keeping our country safe so i can sit my lazy ass down and watch drama peacefully at home < legit what i said to Eugene just now xD Sometimes i wonder why he hasn't collapsed from my rubbish yet. Anyway this is him dragging me out of Forever New :-(
*insert heart eyes*
Finally tried Milk Cow after so looooong hahah jia kept asking me to try but never got around it until last weekend; don't think i will ever buy it again because it is too milky for me and LOL i got really terrible runs that night after dinner?! To be fair i ate quite a lot of eggs but dinners don't go into the system instantly right... and the only other things i ate with him were McDs breakfast and Milk Cow.... and we concluded that was the cause of the problem HAHAHA. Anyway!!! Dragged Eugene to go shopping at Bugis because... i had the urge to and i really wanted to get my white shirt i saw a few weeks back (ended up spending way more money than i wanted to tho) ((oh well)) but yep!!! Thank you dear for going with me even though you know the chances of you being bored to tears is 97% hehe i love you! <3
Also it was a good picture day, which is SUPER rare for us ever since we cut our hair ;_; so must spam hehe
Thanks jia for the food recommendation (once again HAHAHA) it was really the bombdiggity!
Grabbed llaollao (well, kinda, since i spent most of time in the toilet by then LOL) then went home and died on the bed with kdrama while he DOTA-ed. Still can't believe i managed to finish the entire kdrama that i MOCKED my parents for watching... i can't believe i fell into kdrama omg?! But Here Comes Jang Bori is really nubbad? The last kdrama i watched was probably Be Strong Geum Soon in 2005 omg.
Sunday was spent mostly with his family @ home then sent him into safti for book-in :-(
hohoho LE SI TIO LIA LIAO!!!!!!!!!1
Some of the things i read that made me stop and think for a sec
Met these bijs after so long! Hehe actually it's my bad because i always bail on them on friday nights *guilty emoji* and weekends i disappear into my love's arms so... hehe. Thankful we had a laughter filled night tho! Laughed so much (at Chii actually, HAHAHAH FHL) and had a gr8 time torturing denz HUEHUE. Stupid chii called us down to Katong to check out some new pub because he wanted to drink but we all travelled down to him saying "i scared i die leh cause i just ate durian. I DON'T WANT TO DIE" LOL so we ended up at some churros shop in katong AND JUN TREATED ME TO GONGCHA xie xie ni :*
Jun is almost through with her driving, can't wait till she gets her license 8D and by then, denzel the lonely punggol bird will never have to worry about last trains or buses anymore HAHAHAH. June is over and July is gonna be a busy month for us because he is gonna be really busy with commissioning and school is starting soon for me :-( kinda dreading it but also excited for what is ahead of us (more than me) this month! AND it's our birthday month! I'm so excited! Really need to get my butt out to get his party decoration soon ^_^

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