Saturday, January 4, 2014

“It’s not that the world is boring. You became a boring person. The world can’t change much. The happiness you feel hasn’t changed much when compared to the day you first lifted your bag for the first day of elementary school. It’s boring because you became a boring person.”
Thank goodness my life hasn't been boring (to me, that is) ever since Os ended, and i am ever grateful that i always have this bunch, always here for fun times and remains here even during the not-so-fun times. SO here is Ipoh with them! Pretty exciting trip i must say, because we are traveling with one another with no parents around whoooop whooop! Yijun's mum totally doesn't count because she is amazeballs, and kudos to her for always ensuring our safety and security of our belongings while we lose ourselves playing.
Us at one of the many stations we stopped by for toilet breaks; the ride there was madness seriously ~_~ As if the 4h ride up to Huai Chomphu from Chiangrai wasn't bad enough, this Ipoh one took about... 9h (from sg customs) to reach????!!!?? Well at least i got to sleep (tho very uncomfortably) since i didn't sleep the day before and left the house at 0445am.
[P/S: Most pictures are from Yijun, Grace and Jia's phone hehe]
P/S/S: Denz and Lok you are dearly missed
Sleepy also wanna camwhore, lol. Solution is to make the pix the smallest
Why my specs so sengyet one...............
HUrhur with the illegal truck (in sg context)
 (no idea when these pix are from because i slept myself blur sorz)
// wake up to the sound of your fleeting heart

 The aunties we went with....................
Missed being on hotel beds and enjoying anything that comes my way on vacation. Especially the luxury of lazing around on soft white sheets in a fully air conditioned room with a hot shower just steps away.
Going out to explore because we all slept too much on the bus ride to consider sleeping at night
Even in Malaysia i love my milk aisle
Again, feeling so glad my closest friends aren't awkward around one another and aren't aggressive (lolol, my 工作病 acting up again, comparing canine behaviour to human behaviour) unfriendly towards one another and click just fine ^_^ Now that it is 2014, it has been 4 years since i have been in the same class as Jia and i am so thankful we didn't drift apart!!!! I think i treat her like family already pls omg
My second momma, always taking care of me!!!!!!!
Lighting was so bad at our isle :-( so we moved to my favourite aisle hahaha
P/S: spot the Jia
#goeverywherealsotakepicture #supermarketnotexcluded #macamfilipinos #srynotsry
Malaysian shirts are so huge!!!!! And i found a pineapple and realised i look like a pineapple that day
3rd time overseas with my unicorn!!!!!! ^:) She has earned a very special place in my heart of being a gr8 buddy and travel buddy and travel roommate, although this time i bunked with Jia instead. Can't believe i won't be seeing much of her this year after being in the same class as her for 4 years; and even though we hardly interact during class these 2 years i think it is some kind of sibling-like-syndrome (as i would call it) whereby you are so used to someone's presence and you are so comfortable with it that you don't feel a need to constantly strike up a conversation in case the friendship disappears or something. Guess it is alright i have no siblings, i am lucky enough to have people that make me suffer from this sibling-like-syndrome.
Finding friends that enjoy the same things as you do is such a blessing oh man
Grace Lee and my babyJun HAHAHAHAHHA and dear goodness my face is damn cui
Yijun if you are reading this i never regretted making friends with you!!!!!! ;-)
in fact i hardly regret any friendships i have (had)
HAHAHAH sent this to our camp group WA
“I’m one of those people that you have to keep your eye on or I’ll wander off into the woods and forget to come back.”
“The mountains will always be there, the trick is to make sure you are too.”
Woke up to this and felt so lucky to be alive idek why. I think i am becoming more dramatic. BUT STILL.
"Let's take morning selfie!!!!!" Why is my Yijun so adorable????
My eyes have been trained well to look open in glaring sunlight. Skills man, skills.
Cats with a cat
HEHE pumped up for fun in the theme park!!!!!!!!!
We couldn't take pictures because we were busy being on rides and wet; but i went back a second time with Grace just to snap pictures! (and accidentally returned a tad too late and worried the balls off cat and Yijun) ((sorz guise ily))
This ride really scared me??!!! Idk how in the world they all found it relaxing??!!! Hello?!11!?!?
Here are all the pictures (hopefully they make you feel at least 1/2 as happy and stoked as i did)
i think the viking ride more relaxing lolol
Petting zoo was amazeballs:
it's time you faced reality and looked it in the eye // for you must understand the ground before you can fly

Camouflaging skills level 100
Aware and non-aware pix of me
 1. There was a huge monkey
2. Why am i glowing?

Corny lame poses so we can WA our parents hahahaha 
Off for seafood steamboat which was for dinz! We had Paparich for lunch
"your camera sucks!!!!!!!!!!" Yijun exclaimed. And thus
Got to go to a mall after dinner and enjoy all the cheap thrills (to us la hahaha) bought a pretzel just because.
 and either i have grown dumb or Jia has grown sneaky because we visited MPH and i was whining why didn't they have A Clockwork Orange and initially Jia didn't see it either but who knew, at the end of the trip she surprised me with this (and a coloured price tag) :') Little surprises like this make me so happy
Returned with a really bad tan and this is me (gif) on the first night lolol (then the second night) 
Stayed up the whole night with the bunch though 3/4 of the time we were using our devices and being the usual smartphone addicts that teenagers are. Then things got absolute cray by 4/5am when Nicole decided to crawl around the floor with a pink-blanket-covered-pillow exclaiming she was a sushi and challenged people to races - which only Yijun obliged. Also had a very intense game of connect which also unsurprisingly turned to nonsense by 5am. Had potato chips and suffered from an instant sorethroat :-( HENG i ate my cup noodles before that if not i will really lose out because junk food after 12am in a hotel with sleepy delirious friends is always a good idea. OH we played Marco Polo too HAHAHAH i laughed all my guts out that night.... and not forgetting that was the start of me screwing up my sleeping cycle. Now that i think of it i legit slept more on the bus seat than the hotel bed T_T 
Went down the mountain (?) to some temple where we strayed off to take other pictures instead

Had lunch at somewhere with tons of clocks and slept all the way until dinz AND WE HAD REALLY GOOD FOOD :D Then it was home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SLEPT FROM START TO THE END HAHAHAH. Woke up and couldn't sleep anymore when we were stuck in the Tuas jam -_-"
Returned to SG after all the customs nonsense to my parents fetching me. Guess there is no place like my own car!!!!! HAHAHAHAH i kid, there is no place like my home. 'twas a really great trip and i love the tour guide because she is so cute LOL. OH and this trip made me realise aunties are more proactive and faster than any of us teens, which is weird because when people are older they are supposed to do things slower and ~enjoy the moment~ BUT it is us who like to dilly dally and enjoy the moment instead of rushing. Oh the irony. This was exactly why we always got death stares from them because we were late they were always early by 30 minutes all the time and we will only assemble/meet 5 mins early from the actual meeting time. Walao, relax abit leh HAHAHAH. Still feeling grateful.

Today i thank God i have feet, for they have brought me far 
.... and i have people that walk with me
And i  F I N A L L Y  completed this post omg my patience in uploading photos should be applauded what the frick frack, i am not even this patient when i am doing History essays (which reminds me) ((results in 10 days)) (((bless us)))

Next up: Countdown + class chalet

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