Friday, January 3, 2014

1 hour after camp (after we left, since camp breaks at 3pm and we left at 11am):
Met up with Jia again after we went home to put down our stuff and head down to Parkway to help out with our work bbq! We were so sleepy, idek HAHAHA.
There was so much meat that day omg i went cray
head gear was required hahaha, why are the people i work with so cute and so fun
HAHAHAHA @ the awks distance, this is because i have never met any of them although we know one another through the WA group and this is the first time we have all met and gathered together (for me and Jia that is, and even she has met most of them T_T") Jeez we are like the ESP group in Chrysalids, no? HAHA.
with the boss
work at 10am the next day; i think i am slowly but surely transforming into someone who doesn't need sleep
......... went caroling after work #likeaboss
Christmas had a whole new meaning for me this year, i guess it meant much more/is more important and i realised more things with the existence of baptism classes and xsy`13. Most importantly we got baptised on Christmas which is also the merriest festival i know of hehe
and went for a christmas party at my best friend's with my girls who i have missed dearly because i haven't seen some since prom and some since Chem mcq and some way before Os even
Photo creds: Ernest
i present to you, my happy double chin
Gracemeow :*
Grace Lee and Heidi!
(´▽`ʃƪ)♡ my constant in life and the best host in the world
luv u 
Had another Christmas gathering (sort of) at Jia's with Chiien! AND I AM A GR8 BACON FRYER

Had a really good time with them even though we just lazed around with drama and me dyeing my hair. Man we are the laziest bunch around (maybe that's why we hit it off so well hoho)
Next up: Ipoh

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