Friday, January 3, 2014

// Great is Your love, poured out for all, this is our God
Xsy pictures!
 I don't think my post camp disorder (as Brandon puts it) is gone even though it is already 3rd January, 2014. Oh man, so so so so glad i made the decision to join last year, at least i got to join it for the last time T_T Sian why got age limit one!!!!!! :-( Very grateful that our group wasn't awkward at all LOL and special shoutout to Yixin for agreeing to make a group with me and Jia who otherwise would have never joined because nobody wanted to go with us lmao. Mmqm was amazeballs and i feel really lived up to its name because all the games/events were just as 莫名其(奇)妙 and completely unrelated. Even the camp schedule given wasn't reliable HAHAHA. This is (and probs will be) the only camp that has 2 amazing races; no complaints tho because it was really enjoyable and even though we never finished any of the races i'm so happy none of us went off wanting to win first or anything but only to enjoy ourselves in the process omg #slackers. Also had very caring and funny camp leaders, what more can i ask for :')
Hahaha second picture was from the 2nd day during Bible study during a paper ball blowing game and i think we all laughed our throats dry (and wet the floor and each other instead with our saliva HAHAHAH ew)
Bunk m8s!!!!!!!!!
here all the pictures start to get random because i hardly touch my phone except during bath breaks and sleeptime
unicorn brought her baby carrot instead of baby unicorn haha so qt
Sweets to keep us awake during sermons.
As lag as this is, the fact that i graduated from AHS just sunk in like.. 3 days ago? I don't what to feel about it but i am in disbelief that i will never get to stroll these corridors again at 630am or 630pm. This is the view i always get (and go to get) whenever class wears me out ahemamathcoughahemamath and wonder what is the point of doing anything at all. Oh man, i will never ever get to fill bottles with my girls here just to skip class because our classroom is at the other extreme end, or come here to just hang around and stalk people downstairs. As much as i hate climbing the hill, i will really miss the environment where we are all isolated in a place where we hear planes and not cars or markets (and even if we wanted to, we just have to travel to the other side of the school where 85 is), and the extremely windy and extremely sunny days we get on the hill 
Second amazing race! Man this one was crazy

3 Ds; Dorcas Denz and Darren hahahaha
Eco-friendly campfire
(and then Google+ decides to do this) Well. It is pretty apt
Spent the entire night playing with water guns, then the guys and Jia played captain's ball while Brandon and i chatted with Yixuan and made some new friends. Maybe this 2014 all i want is the ability to open up more easily to people and not be afraid i will get laughed at for whatever serious things i have to say oh well. Had a sudden lights out timing and we all had to be in the bunk at 0315am so we all rushed back to shower but... we sneaked out and met up at 0415am at the library and talked to the boys + Zhihao until we realised we were supposed to be listening to Kianyong's ghost stories so we made our ways to the concourse instead. HAHAHA ghost story session stopped when the guys couldn't take it anymore and we slacked at the GO which was a bad idea because the fingerprint maching was going off and on? Like someone had errors so it kept flashing and beeping twice (AHS students would know, right, right?!) but there was no one there so..... hahah we just refused to look there. No idea when it all stopped, but we all stayed with one another until it was 6am because sleep is for the weak HAHAHAHAH i kid, idk i think we just didn't want to sleep. It was a night of wind and glow sticks.
I swear someone was playing with the hdb lights lmao, and our glowsticks.
spot the zhihao
I always, always wanna keep the people that have stayed up with me overnight whether during a camp or an overseas trip in my life forever and ever and i don't really understand this myself either. I just want to keep everyone in my pocket!!1!1!1!!! I think this is the start of my problem of being too clingy HAHAHAH watch out guise watch out, i am on my way to becoming the clingiest girlfriend ever (if ever)!!!111!!
Us and our cui slept-for-2-hours faces

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