Monday, March 9, 2015

To the end of Nov`14

Ahhhh i miss my lame 4k
Huehue caught up with cat with Jun, missed this prick sOooOo much
Pls find a vegetarian gf soon and let us stalk you xOxo
Picture on the right is usually him to me 99.7% of the time (100% to others)
Tsk classmates plZ
Was really close with the class during Typo/Publication!
Vannie and I have way too many pictures like the one on the right from her attacking me....
Carwash poster Khalif designed for our class' CCN day hahaha
The bestfriend!!!! and Tori :-)
Lost this romper somewhere in my wardrobe???? Jun hates this romper to the core HAHAHAH
what the hell damn cholor and sampat i really dk what i'm doing i'm so sorry to whoever has to suffer the sight of me on a daily
(or near-to-daily) basis T_T
Played around with henna cuz it was our other plan for CCN day
CCN day!
Cannot believe i walked around like that la i think i was pretty sampat this particular term? Like no joke now that i look back on all these photos i feel v geli HAHAHHA. Also at this point i've tried at least 6 times to add these pictures (from this point onwards) and blogger failed me ALL 6 times. Blogger you think easy to select 300+ pictures is it?!? ZzzZzzZ so now i'm just adding day by day.... and i'm not even halfway through December yet.
HAHAHA stupz Hongan, sent him a picture and he photoshopped it and sent it back to me 
Tori huehue
Saveur with Jiajia! The duck was rly good whoop whoop
Yay for Vans because she is the sweetest to me sometimes; this is her treating me to banana cake huehue
Unsure what they were doing (i forgot????)
This was the day i realised Say had a Sigur Ros linograph I DIED omfg and he has a Sigur Ros tattoo?!?!??! Wtf instantly on favourite lecturer list already LOL spazzed and asked him if he could help me print it on any of my blank tees/totes and he said yes ;____; Happiness +100
Rare sight of Aishah eating proper meal so must take picture HAHAH
Vannie's priorities in life: food
The day Say treated us to bfast cuz we agreed to help him for openhouse HAHAH
LEL idk why i'm always either on the floor or on tables but never on a chair where my butt should belong
Charmaine huehue
Fishy!!!!!!! & SS of my friends being scared all at once idek why LOL
Centre parting gang that day:
design pains:
Basheer with classmates in attempts to figure out how to go about our publication submission lmao
Vannie was wearing Fahmie's pull over and i was like omg you look like Pooh?!?!?! Guess you could call it a..... Pooh-over? AhAhhAhahaHa ha hHa ah ha... ha.. (no one laughed at my joke btw) ((only myself)) (((they even left me alone at the table)))
Basically me to Vans 99.8% of the time:
This ledge is my relaxing zone omg it works wonders
IKEA with the girls then school! Shuenzhi/Hongan were sketching us and i got the 'another guy' bullshit again hais #gtg
Cat remembers my existence once every 26 weeks #verygoodfriend #verytouched
oOops went a lil over the... top.. that day #badpuns
Went shopping with mummy and wai po then met up with Joko and sat on the swing @ Sunplaza for hours cuz i was feeling shitty i think... thank goodness for someone who lives near tamp mall/sunplaza LOL
My princess is so big now T_T so is my baby boy
Also the last time i saw my gong gong (and i think the first ever ((almost)) complete family photo in... years); wew this feels so surreal sometimes it feels strange to think someone can just completely cease to exist in the matter of seconds 
// It stung like a violent wind that our memories depend on a faulty camera in our minds
The conversations i have are really weird... and so is Lok
I'M FINALLY DONE WITH NOVEMBER 2014 LMAO this is really damn taxing... xinni y u take so many pictures?!?!? 

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