Thursday, March 26, 2015

Feb - Mid March

Went photo taking with Charmaine hurhur
HAHAH it isn't really visible but the class cornered Yong yi into the lift and he was so awks
Had a lot of lunch breaks this particular term (sry Michelle) and we spent some of it with Say and some extended way earlier from Vera's class #srynotsry
Saw a baby pug under my block that day ew also, my typos will really be the death of me one day
Whooop Jia came over one day with Ricks :')
Before i go on, the picture on the right is us after we joked about how someone might be looking at us do all these even though we are in a secluded corner of the building and then we really spotted someone at the other rooftop staring at us T_T When he realised we knew he said hi LOL no face already la the both of us T_T
HAHAHAHAHA i live for these kinda conversations man
Lok being sweet
Vday cart going around HAHAHA damn cute!
Vday!!!!! HAHAHA yes i said yes and sry franz yall had to stalk to me find out i'm sorry i know my mistakes now please stop sending me the same screenshot and berating me for it HAHAHAH
Wew wew dates are so fun even if we spend 5 hours in mac chatting with your bros
Bfast with his rly close friends in the morning wew thank goodness they were rly friendly hehe
Vannie and I fighting lmao
Gong gong passed a day away from CNY eve, probably what brought us all to talk again after the last funeral like what.... 6/7 years ago? LOL why do we only talk as a group during funerals, i will never know but i'm glad at least we talked after such a long time. Everyone is so different now?!?! My cousin is no longer the older broski i never had who will take care of me at WWW, he ORDed and is getting married like wAt. My other two broskis all ORDed already, 1 is signed on and my darling Agnes is in uni already wth since when?!? The last time i remembered we were still playing at the old pasir ris chalet :-(
Most sleepless week ever @.@
Thanks Jun for the love <3 and while they were doing web in the lab i was trying to do it at the sg casket LOL
Stayed up all night for like 3 days @.@ camwhored/dug up old photos to imitate for self entertainment HAHA
idc what yall think but i'm claiming the twins as my siblings since their dad and my dad looks exactly the same so technically we cannot look very different also right and half of our blood also same already so they are mine la huh #samesamebutdifferent #psychoticpossessivesistercousin
LOL legit went to tampines in that a few days later because i was lazy to bring a change of shoes after "celebrating" CNY at popo and my uncle's house
( ˘⌣˘)♡(˘⌣˘ )
CNY! Went to both grandparents' for lunch and dinner; CNY eve was spent at the crematorium then to my uncle's for a simple reunion dinz and this is probably the first family photo in 12 years LOL
Got to spend alot of time with Eugene during CNY because we both couldn't go visiting! Met up with him (and his famz) after dinner at popo's and watched his famz have supper, then he went to Msia with his famz the next day while i went to Charmaine's for our supposed popiah party LOLOL
Breakfast at Charmaine's!
Vannie came really late (as usual)
The only thing i vaguely remember is waiting for him to reach SG which was at 1am... then woke up early anyway to have brunch with his close friends, then brought Lucky out > run > go home. One of my favourite past-times now: walking Lucky with him ^_^
Went to Tampines to shop the next day because we are too lazy to go to town... HAHAH
LOL @ how he tried to wrap his book HAHAHAH so cute
LOL @ Jun and then @ Denz when i asked him to buy a cable for me LOL buay tank these guise
Sekewt huehueHUehUEhue and joko being stupid af HAHAHA
Filming for Vera's shit with the group hahaha also lost my wallet that day?!? Ended up in Jurong East... Thank you Denz for picking it for me!!! And for forgetting to claim the tehbing i supposedly was supposed to treat you by now.
SUBMISSION DAY! Honestly i've been waiting for this day ever since this sem started LOL cannot even be bothered anymore i just need my break and space.
BYe TD02
Stayover at Jun's after we caught abtm 3!!!!! This is Denz and i being dead on our usual spots on her couch 
Then it was the weekend huehueHUe
Crashed his friend's 21st :X
Denz and baby Adria is so cute la aiyo, and me looking awks at a party #badgfimsry
Usual sundate before he books in!
Hehe starting my March right with a sunburnt boy
This was the day TD02 damn gung ho wanna go Lavender on a Monday to have pig's organs soup AND IT WAS CLOSED ON MONDAYS so we ended up eating Wendy's and playing arcade at Bugis lmao #foodieadventurefail
Finally met up with Chua and Lok; then met Nicole which was a bonus ^_^
Our poster boy
 Tim Ho Wan with Jun, Denz and Leroy!
YAY yay another weekend
Caught a movie with his bros ~ Then chilled till the usual 2/3am! Love nights like these actually ^_^
Now that i'm blogging it looks like we go out alot (i wish) but really it's just 3 weekends and alot of photos xD
Met up with the gang that day before Chii flew!
Caught a movie with them (+Huixin) then i followed the boys to get their shit at MBS cuz Jun left with her
Weekends rly don't arrive as fast as this blog post is going LOL
AH carnival! Omg miss school
Yong getting attacked by people and denz HAHAHA 
2nd last weekend before he left for Thai haiya :-(
Sweechoon with the class!
LOL @ me eating and joko giving up on my hilarious puns
It's 3am right now and i'm too worn to carry on with the rest of this month so i'll do that later on; also the anons on askfm really make me question why i get questioned so often for no good reason LOL. Why are people so hostile towards me online ah?! Dealing with a vacation cds, him being in thailand (and me flying off once he's back) and these anons as a trio is quite a no go. Plus my screen seems to be having dead pixels spreading? which really worries and stresses me out sigh i wish you were back :-(

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