Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Life pre-Japan:

“Stop measuring days by degree of productivity and start experiencing them by degree of presence.”
March 18:
Piper, Luffy and Beauty. This post is soooo overdue that Beauty is like 3x bigger now lmao.
March 19:
Met my babes up!!!!!!! It's been way too long without seeing my unicorn almost everyday man
March 20:
Only remember i met up with Chiien after work to catch up and had taiwanese street food for dinner...
also the day i sold my totoro onesie and the buyer was so nice he got me a chocolate bar because i had to travel so far for the transaction to take place. This made me unreasonably happy for a day HAHAHA.
March 21:
Always nice seeing kitkat before work
Kitkat being real possessive about my stuff lmao
March 22:
Went for the Salvo Drums concert @ TP after work bc Andy, Jeremy and Kaiqi hurhur
March 23:
sunsets after work
24 March:
Went to Katong area with Benjamin then met Yijun and Denz (and Louise) up

nice napping area aye
ugly ass bird
highlight of that day: Met Faiq like after.......... forever and bus 9-ed back
March 25:

March 27:
Look at our handsome Prince!!!!!
met up with Yixuan and Jia for our bs :-) and my red velvet obsession began this fateful day
March 29:
Camped with Yijun's famz with Denz and Siyu :-)
Was a great stayover with them and we totally enjoyed playing with Ping2 and An2 man 

had more pictures but they are in my film camera (and i haven't even developed pics from Japan... omg)
March 30:
April 1:
and then met up with cat if i remembered correctly, to catch up before i left for Japan  
April 4:
Work and then cca handover :-) I really miss Wes, Wen and Aud omg ;_;
I also actually reaaaaaaaaaaallly miss AHS? I can't to go back for mid autumn
Went to Japan on the 5th; update soon!!!!!!!!

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