Saturday, January 25, 2014

We need bruises to find our way again

[edited 110114]
“You asked me if I believed in magic, and I said yes, and that’s how. You just step out, start pulling your life out of the air. You make friends, you find work you really like doing, you find places. You find diners and Laundromats. You find beaches. You find a junk car and drive it for a month, then lave it beside the road. You find someone to fall in love with you. You make it all up as you go. Or, you know, maybe it makes you up.”
Finally found some time to blog!!!! Oh man working 7 days a week has really taken its toll me (sleep said goodbye, too many times before) and i've been itching since... forever to post my pictures somewhere because that is exactly why i take some of them, and also record whatever has happened in case i get into a horrible accident suddenly. Haha, choi. OH and i am only doing this now because vsco is failing on me and it was really difficult trying to import the entire gallery which is partly my fault for accumulating so many pictures and deciding to import all of them at once...
Post Os:
Went to Yijun's house for steamboat with 1/4 of 4K and some 4Fians before Os results day after work!
lol Denz and i should just refrain from taking pix together we look sibeh scandal
 Slept on Yijun's bed the whole night very peacefully while they crazily played mahjong till the wee hours of the morning. Tho i think i only knocked out because i worked a full shift that day hahaha and cuz i didn't know how mahjong works...... and will perhaps never ever know. Woke up to them sleeping HAHAHA and conveniently squeezed myself within #bueypaiseh
 Sucker Tan
Was always at Paul's house for awhile because i was preparing for my exhibition which i am very thankful that my friends attended (and even Mr Yong) OH and even old classmates and seniors went/asked about it ;_; Thank you guise, you guise are seriously the best and i really appreciate it!!!!
Went out MOlihua after work!!!!!!! Always missing this bunch, but we are always clueless what to do together lmao, i think it is best we are trapped in a school at night because our ideas are the best at night and somehow we are more able to find things to do/talk about at night
 Don't know how to play so i take pictures.......... HAHAH
Yixuan so cute hahahah
I want this so bad............................... why is it $17??????
 My life daily nowa(week)days: wake up at 0545am, get on a cab at 0620am, deal with kids till noon or late noon then either go out or return to the office and then return home from amk. ZzzZZzZZzzzZz.
 The day i had a very impromptu very meet up with Chiien and refused to leave the floor because i want Heima and shopped all day and bought impulsively and wondered why are we even buddies because i am so annoying hahahaha.
Had a saturday breakfast with my famz, grocery shopped with my mum, then left for work (again)
Sundays with kitkat
Aaaaaaaaand it is back to work again. This was at Woodlands zzz
This is Xinni during work (esp double sessions goodness)
Somehow always meeting my lepak gang after work, so thankful i have them hahah our WA is seriously like a family WA already idek, we either see one another too much or never at all but time with them is always so lovely. Went to Bugis with them after work one day (this job makes me lose all track of time i'm not even kidding) ((thank goodness we are all mostly early birds and by 9am/the day before we will decide if we're meeting or not)) and bought clothes again.......... i bought like 15 pieces of clothing this month LOLOL #whatisselfcontrol #buylajustbuyall
Then the next day i had Maki san with Nic and Benjamin, my makan buddies and it was fantastic omg pls gimme more. Finally met up with Benjamin and once again, so thankful he bothers to ask Nic and I out and book us on a certain like weeks beforehand to make sure we are both free. A* for effort HAHAHAHA.
Next up for us: SHIOK MAKI; hehe splurge on food since cny is coming angpao$$$$$
This is what happiness tastes like in the morning: (and omg i swear pri sch food is damn cheap lol)
 My happy pills and food junkies hoho
 Mr Yong's treat @ Sara's today!
Sara's was the absolute bomb; the ambiance was awesome, the company was gr8, the food was gr8, and i loved her playlist to bits *_*

Life has been so busy and i am extremely sleep deprived because no matter how many times i say i am going home to sleep after work, i end up going out with my friends (shoutout to all the friends who ask me out even tho they know i have a job/know i probably cannot make it so they ask me in advance/friends that live near central areas and come down to entertain me whenever i am near) ((because my work locations are all in the west now)) or over-staying in the office because i'm laughing with my colleagues. Then stay up all night chatting and forgoing sleep and waking up 4 hours later. That being said i guess i have nothing to complain about since i feel i have both a job and a life and i feel pretty balanced; and i have animals in my life on weekends which is a bonus. All is good and all is well and i will continue to thrive on my own bubble of happiness LOL.

P/S: Only have time to blog now because Jia is subbing me for my full shift tomorrow because i needed a day off, thank you babe and i miss you walao it has been weeks since i've last worked with you :-(

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