Saturday, November 23, 2013

Post grad day - Os period

Finally back from work and i have a break tomorrow AND i have a new pile of photos so i better clear the old pile first hehe. Anyway i left out a chunk in the previous post so... here (at the end, if anyone wants to see it haha, but there is nothing grand or that interesting so..) ((tbh my life isn't even interesting i am unsure why i blog too))
The very first time to deskm8's
Best deskm8 ever tho
 Frikkin love his neighourhood
 They came late!!!!!!!! BUT we had spize and i love spize hahahah
I also fell in love with his house
Attended a wedding
then i visited Charm and we had our own kind of heaven
Bfast on a rainy morning with PT before our LAST english lesson;
Irwin's burger looks like a monkey idk
encouragement pack from the best friend
PT and Heidi asleep in a pile of cushions
The next day we were greeted by 8 felines after night study, man i love ahs sometimes
Deskm8's again

aaaaaaaaaand the creepy house we found
shall not unlink these


that cage has the hugest and most aggressive parrot i have ever seen


got a pebble from his neighbour HAHAHA
LIFE omg

so comfy *-*
When we had to clear our lockers and classrooms ahahaha, the entire school compound was littered with books. Which reminds us of how we scavenged the school compound last year for free textbooks because we are cheapskate HAHAHA. Too bad for the juniors who have to go through a new syllabus oops.
This on English Os. Mmm what a weird paper haha.
My tablemate for common papers! ^:D
I miss school's cheap and good (decent enough lor) food :-(
Os period was so frick fracking draggy?????????
Pic with Gracemeow was a day before Bio because i remember she was on her way to the library to study hehe
AFTER AMATH!!!!!!!! Hahaha Mr Yong looks so happy, this picture is so happy, that day was so happy and liberating although it was only paper 1... exactly like the sunset i saw because half the storm is over (or, another perspective is that there is only half the storm left to go through)
And this perfectly describes my morning before amath paper 2.
Like it was too late to do anything but also too early to be happy about anything and i was dreading and dragging my feet while on my way and i looked so pissed LOL.
Os game face on yo
Otw to Whitesand's McDs. I swear i am sick of McDs.
Went there after the amath paper to study for history as well (zzzzzzz)
This picture tho. Idk it is full of expressions. It is a really emotional picture.
Had an IKEA meal and a day out after... literature because it was Halloween!!!
Look at this friend of mine. So annoying but so intelligent and lovable
Ran the next day @ Bedok reservoir
Studying at the airport the day after we ran | And another feet pic
On our way to make new friends HAHAHA
FINALLY tried the 85 ba chor mee LOL, what kind of ahs student am i
Next day at Yijun's... forgot why we went there

Ever wondered what happens when 2 camwhores spend 4 years together?????
Yep same expressions in burst shots. Without preparations HAHAH i cannot even omg
Another feet pic ft Yijun's flooded corridor
Checked out The Factory hehehe will be having an exhibition hohohohoho stoked.
Had very alcoholic with Jia as brunch idk what we were thinking seriously
Jia face pls
Only other thing i remember (that has no photographic evidence) was going over to Denz's to study history with Nic, Yijun and Justin. Had a massive headache x_x
AND.......... SEA world history
Tbh i went into most of the last few exams really unprepared idk how screwed i am atm but oh well
HAHAHAHAH Os game face MAXIMUM in this picture. Went all the way to town for food/dessert/shoes. For what i also don't know. This is somewhat the beginning of our self proclaimed post Os break already. (but we still had chemistry/comb sci/phys)

Hung out at Denz's to attempt studying Chemistry but we ended up sinking into the couch and watching HK dramas. For one we're brave, and secondly i think we were pretty screwed but......... ah well.
Yijun was watching her kdrama tho
AND THEN Os ended. I love how my emotions match my sky shots ^w^
I am so glad this period of my life is finally over hahah and i don't think i took it as seriously or (stressfully??) as i am expected to but i really don't see any point to take it so grandly anyway.... Whatever, i am just really glad it is over although it feels abit empty to not have something to procrastinate or complain about 24/7 LOLOL. Now i have better things to worry about. Like my pay. And christmas presents. Also rn as i am typing i have church in... 15 hours? and i am extremely unsure if i can go in green hair??? Idk what to do now. Idek why there are rules or stigma about/surrounding dyed hair. Zz
Met Small Ben at Fish & Co coincidentally before Bio!
Rainy day and chicken rice with my Lok while we began our Skins 7 journey after 6 grueling months
PLS ignore spaces
Also had job training on saturday, then church for baptism class.
cca farewell bbq hahahahahahahahahahhaha

Then stayed over at Yijun's house and her bro's gf had fun with our faces HAHAHA. 3am faces pls forgive
and masks the next morning before prom
Prom pics next! :-)

it's been long since i felt this lonely and misunderstood and not forgetting hideous lololol i just want to curl up and sleep forever. or move to a completely new place. i know very clearly all the things i can be (or am) happy about but i just cannot feel it. i think this is my period announcing it's arrival.

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