Wednesday, August 7, 2013

'“But listen to me. For one moment 
quit being sad. Hear blessings 
dropping their blossoms 
around you.”" - Rumi 

Finally have time to post something so here we go ~
That one sunday my mum dressed like an OL and i was mint green//white from head to toe
Monday blues are always cured by Yujie's dumplings
And i miraculously had double eyelids on that day hahaha
LEARNING JOURNEY WITH THE CLASS!!! And another class hahaha oh good gracious it was awkward it does not pay to be known as a stalker sometimes ;_; actually, i am not even that bad pls people just make it sound like i am an erotomaniac)
I am thankful for my singapoooorreeeee, my singaporeeeee

~i see skies of blue~
through chaos as it swirls
Class photo with 4E!
Mum found something (???) at the market which boils into.. ribena 
Sunday was sweater weather!

Night study has begun and honestly this week was probably my most productive week in the entire history of my life as a student wtf. We do not get distracted or too tired halfway (very surprisingly...) ((hahaha, or maybe it is too early to say...)) and we get enough work done (again, i guess). But whatever it is i am just thankful that at least i am doing something after 7pm because usually after dinner i just... mope around and nothing gets done.
ALSO!!!!!! Our class is so cosy right now with the air conditioners AND our personal pantry which is filled to the brim with goodies, although i wouldn't say this is brain food or healthy at all but... it is so convenient for us to grab something small to snack on especially when we do not have time to go all the way to the canteen for a full meal hehe. + our classrooms smells so heavenly because of our air freshener, and *ahem* considerate people who do not eat packed food in class without opening the windows/doors/turning off the aircon/allowing ventilation. /this is going to turn into a rant/ but seriously i don't know why this spleens me so much but isn't it common sense that if people plan to mass eat in an air conditioned classroom, there should be ventilation else the smells just get all diffused into the air and mixed up (w the air freshener even) and the smell just gets cooped up all day long in a small room like do people even think nowadays wtf i don't get it sorry i really don't. If you have time to buy food downstairs before school ends why don't you just eat downstairs anyway????????? /end of rant/
Lying in a heap of soft jackets feels especially good after all the mock exam papers we have after school nowadays ^~^
National day celebrations today!!! Planned to use my la sardina but i didn't anyway lol...
We were supposed to do face painting for national day but i guess most of the sec 4s just took the chance to draw whatever we wanted instead LOL. This is me being doubtful about the merlion
There were unibrows, blue eyebrows, teardrops, leopard prints (hahaha what? national day face painting)
(also daisy and bruises)
The lighting in the hall sucked.......
No amount of effects could actually salvage any pictures oh well
Extra patriotic today

Tears bc they left me out HAHAHAHHA
Only 80+ (15h long) days left these oddballs :-(
Ate at seoul garden with my unicorn and deskm8s! :-) 'twas a good lunch with good laughs and also a good shopping trip afterwards. Benjamin is right he has helped me discover the magic behind food 
yum yum in our tum tums
 Here comes a long weekend hehehe, hope everyone has a good rest! :-) 

\\ And omg ahs students will be seeing each other everyday from like... 6:30am - 9pm everyday wtf
   Andand i found my prom dress let's hope it fits me and i magically shed weight ~_~

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