Saturday, July 27, 2013

“Who the fuck cares where you went to school or where you work? The question is: Is everyday experience good, healthy, beautiful? Because I have to tell you, while it might be cool to work for a company like Google, Apple, or The New Yorker, if your job is stupid, stressful and your boss is an asshole, there is nothing good or prestigious about that. While it might seem right to go to a school like Berkeley, if classes are overcrowded and students are nervous, anxious, religious zealots from Orange County, are you sure you want to go there? What’s good about that? To believe in prestige is to privilege abstract, collective impression over palpable, daily experience. To which I say: fuck prestige. Do what serves your everyday vitality.”
Caught The Addams Family Musical with Charm on the 21st! Hehehe it was amazeballs
(lol @ our food pix cuz we immediately felt embarrassed after trying to take pix and gave up halfway cuz we were running late)
black / red / thigh high
Ran all over the place singing with her after the show ended without our shoes and took fake touristy shots hahaha ran wildly in public with her two days in a row this must be what best friends are for (hahah omg xinni pls)
School was............ exhausting the next day because i slept at 12+ and i left school only at 6pm so i was seriously the grumpiest girl on earth that day... didn't help that it was a monday as well ;_;
Once i reached home i passed out till it was about... 8? My mum treated me to ice kacang because i went down to eat with her LOL, how cute is she. There were drunkards throwing beer bottles around and my mum was very grumpy about it she sounded exactly like my chinese teacher when she complained jeez... Also, she got hit on by guys omg it was hilarious. 
TUESDAY WAS THE BEST because hcl kids got released @ 1.05pm omg. We immediately celebrated our freedom by going for lunch... although we never ended up eating what we wanted to eat because we decided to be thrifty.. and ate at McDs instead. Had a good lunch and when i reached home after Denz and Marcus left for listening compre i napped till it was 4pm HAHAH #sleepisgold
Charm sleeping in the canteen ~_~
(click click click) VS PAPER THAT MENTIONED TITANIC i have a new found love for vs papers.
And Lok taking a picture on my phone after i got cake smashed after school :')
(damn ugly omg)
Thank you guys for the gifts (esp the la sardina omg) , i really love them ;_; 
Thanks for album charm and ernest let me love you guise forever i will clean up whenever you all cook okay :* Thank you deskm8 for the ship sharperner wtf it is adorable. Thank you Nic for the poptarts ^:) Thank you Lok and Grace for the sweet cards!!!!!!! 
This is going to be mad incoherent but: was supposed to meet Charmaine at her house (supposedly) for instant mee + cheese dinner [don't judge it is really tasty ok] with her alone. Never really suspected anything because although Benjamin kinda told me there was a surprise party earlier on in the week and Jiahui leaked to me in the afternoon that she will arrive late later at night i was just like ?????huh????? and let it slide. So i guessed oh! Dinner with Charm and Jiahui, that isn't bad ^-^ and happily went home after getting cake smashed with cat and Lok. Also, i was texting Lok throughout the entire evening and i believed she was really waiting for her mum to come home/bring her dinner omg....
So anyway the moment i arrived at Charm's door after  she said she ~just rushed home after mam zee picked on her and made her stay back~ i was wondering why i didn't meet her downstairs because she sounded so flustered/sounded like she just got home and i just walked past her door and into her house without realising the whole walkway was filled with an abnormal amount of shoes (wtf) and then everyone jumped out of hiding and sang me a song. I wanted to cry omg ;_; everyone was there; Charm, Lok, Grace, Gracemeow, Heidi, Brenz, Denz, Yijun, Jhove, Justin, ;_; and this hence explains the over emotional post before this... typed by a very delirious xinni after receiving so much joy in a day.
Took the chance to do crazy things like call up my eyecandy omg......... ok but he didn't wish me happy birthday verbally but that is okay because well my friends decided to retweet him like crazy so... also i called an old friend and got back an old friend, the only thing we're missing now is saying hi to one another in school so KUDOS XINNI HAHAHAHA
Big picture for the girl who said i could smash her with whip cream if i cried ;-)
(´ ▽`).。o♡
Fun fun fun fun fun
changed into my daisy dress after washing all the cream off my hair... and i love it omg haha except that it is crazily short
*feels sad about my legs because they make me look short and look disjointed and stumpy sigh*
Denz and Yijun
My two Grace pies heheheh :*
HAHAHA @ the pic with Grace meow because our bus came and i was like *smile* "is 291 here IT IS ISN'T HOW" and preparing to run for the bus straightaway
Justin and Jhove! SHPS boys hoho
Cat and Jia hehe
.............. how to not cry you tell me.
Was such an amazing night (and as usual... died in school the next day x_x)
Celebrated with Baobai, Charm and Ernest (again) yesterday; how blessed am i omg ;_;
She got me a helium balloon!!!!!!!! Ehehehe
@ my favourite aisle in any supermarket........

Ernest whipped up a gr8 meal for us hehehe IT WAS A GOOD CONCLUSION to an already awesome week
Now all i want to do is compile my July videos because it is a lazy saturday... but i have work to do.
Ah well :-)

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