Wednesday, July 24, 2013

This is for the people who...

  1. Judge me whenever i am camwhoring
  2. Laugh at me for being a joke/SUAN ME 24/7/365
  3. Call me a joke/idiot/cunt
  4. Think i am an annoying lil shit
  5. (who cannot do any math or science well)
  6. and is hence, stupid.
  7. Think i am damn creepy because i eyecandy people
  8. HATE it when i scream or laugh
  9. Roll their eyes because they think i am delirious (usually 花池)
  10. Hate on my mirrored screen protector
  11. Give me things in orange and green just because i really hate that colour combination
    But at the same also...
  12. Always put up with my nonsense (eg my hourly random ramblings and daily singing)
  13. Tolerate my whines, screams and most importantly my laughter (believe me, i bet they want to to hit me all the time)
  14. Always give in to me; be it food choices or me forcing my face in front of your internal cameras
  15. Who will go downhill just to get ice cream/any food i am craving for with me/for me
  16. Stay back to help me with whatever i do not understand
  17. Help me take pictures of... myself (and with friends)
  18. Never ever violently retaliate me when i start being a lil abusive and start slapping/punching them due to overwhelming emotions/feels
  19. Can stand me discussing even the most personal things like MY CRAMPS REALLY HURT STOP MY PERIOD PLS
  20. Never hate on me for constantly looking at my mirror screen/internal camera even when they are speaking to me and require my full attention
  21. Will always try their best to help me out (eg asking them to buy cinnamon melts to burger king)
  23. Lend me their dslrs/iphones to take pictures, even though it drains their batteries like crazy
  24. Do ridiculous things with me (eg stay out all night/run around dangerous places at night)
  25. Invite me over to their houses to eat/party/slack
  26. Never forgetting to include me
  27. With the biggest hearts ever, because i am not an easy person to love.
  28. Are integral parts of my life
  29. (some) have known me for over 5 years and are still here to stay even if we have fought very badly and viciously
  30. The others who i know will be here 
I am so grateful today, and i doubt i can ever find the right words to say to appropriately express how much i am thankful to have such friends (you all!!!!!!!!!) in my life, besides a mere "i love you -squeal-". Considering how un-affectionate a friend i think i am, i am rendered totally speechless because i don't think i deserve all of this greatness in a day/in my life, but i really really really appreciate all of your efforts :') I wish i was great with words but i am not but i am pretty sure i expressed most of my emotions vocally just now. This is for the people who remembered. This is for the people who don't only love me today. This is for the people who have never given up on me even though i so erratic omg. This is for the people who threw me a surprise party and got me many things i only dared dream of getting, but that is okay because i have you all (cheeeeeeey, act only). But i mean seriously. Thank you all for the sweet cards and encouraging words, believing in me even when i don't and i can't. This is also for all the other people that are/were in my life/or even a passing stranger in school; whether you threw me a party/wished me or not, thank you, thank you, and thank you. Thank you all for making me feel like all the bad days are worth it because of days like that. Thank you for loving me despite all my faults. Thank you for being part of my life/our lives. Thank you for existing. Thank you for breathing.

My heart is still fluttering from pure joy; thank you for not just loving the idea of me, but me.
What a wonderful sixteenth; maybe i don't need things to get better afterall, whatever will be, will be.

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