Sunday, December 23, 2012

"Has it ever occurred to you that you could change your life right this second if you really wanted to? You could stand up and yell at your teacher if you wanted to, you could place yourself in a life or death situation if you wanted, you could even take that risk and just spontaneously and passionately kiss the one you really love by surprise. You could change the entire outcome of our lives, and if our lives are really as bad as we say they are, why won’t we take those chances?"

blue blue blue mood
I feel so inferior now my goodness -_-
My entire social circle is just filled with people who are really smart people with one-digit-L1R5s/people who can play the piano/people good at some kind of art/ballerinas/people who can play the guitar/people who game but are still smart/people who somehow can manage their time even tho they are busy 24/7/365.
Generally smart and with hearts of gold.
What exactly am i doing with my life lol.

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