Thursday, December 13, 2012

"Sometimes at night I would sleep open-eyed underneath a sky dripping with stars.
 I was alive then."

Day #9! 
Our last day in Hui Zhong Po at the education centre.
Spent the night (or morning? 2am) watching stars with the usuals ^-^v
Had a ghost story telling session too! Ahhh miss thailand so much now.
Eating tomyam cup noodles cause we were freezing in the hallway
Visited Naga and her puppies for the last time the next morning :'(
Loved every single moment i had with all the animals there during the 9 days.
And for some reason, their dogs and cats, are so much cleaner than the ones in Singapore.
Their fur is softer... and they don't smell too. Logic - 0. 

HAHAHA meet Jhovelle, my ~feeling~
We are so gay my goodness.
And my adorable Nicole ^-^v

On our van ride down! Was sad :-(
It was the last time we will ever have such fresh air.
The last time we will ever have bumpy ass mountainous road trips.
The last time we could grab bananas (ok not really since we were confined in a van)
plants with our bare hands just by reaching out. Wehhhhhhhh i miss it fgjkghfjkdghkdfjg

My favourite cloudy spot!
Bye to Hui Zhong Po, hi to city life in 4 hours time. 

"And there comes a time in your life when you realize that if you don’t take the opportunity to be happy, you may never get another chance again."

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