Friday, November 2, 2012

Snippets of life | So sick of all the scars on my face :(
But i guess i will have to live with it.......... sigh xinni.

This week is so tiring and draggy it felt like EOYs all over again. Give me a break man.
Shall make full use of the weekends to recharge myself for next week.... 
and then i am free from school, and off to Chiang Rai for CIP :-)
To do:
  1. Redo amath eoy paper 
  2. Redo emath eoy paper
  3. Complete two amath exercises given during ALPS+
  4. Amath textbook questions/classwork
  6. Read chapter 12 of The Chrysalids
  7. Complete physics worksheet
  8. Complete redox exercises in blue chemistry booklet
  9. Draw full body diagram for OCIP
  10. Read 2 chinese classics for book test in T1W1/2
  11. Study for Prelim 1 (sorry but fuuuuuuuuuucccccccck)
  12. Read my books
  13. Collect shipment

LOL my priorities are obviously the Os. and my own books for entertainment.
I think i am no longer afraid of prelim 1 or night study anymore, i mean i am quite curious what else the school can throw at me. We will see, i guess. Life is so mundane, i really wonder what is so good about my school sometimes.....

 If i were to come up with the top three happiest moments in this year, it would be 
#1 Titanic exhibition 
#2 Got selected to go for OCIP
#3 Friends

~lol emotional crap below~
feel like a terrible person atm. 
Mostly cause i have been an angry bitch for absolutely no reason at all and i get easily annoyed at people i don't even know. Or i get pissed off at their internet selves. Not like i am any better. Then an old friend in my (ahem don't judge sry) dream school texts me about how she misses me, and how my P4/5 best friend misses me. I don't even talk to her anymore and she remembers everything we did together ;_; Then there's also another girl i only remember saying hi to who is saying i am always crazy and fun to be around and honestly, we hardly even see each other. I only saw her once since secondary one... which was during my school's church camp because she was from that church. Then i remember all my primary school friends and how much of a social animal i was LOL, passing letters all around from level to level and friends with everyone and i never, ever, judged and disliked people just by looking at them but i do now. Sigh, when i loved things and people just because.
I need to go back to those days.
(minus out the pretentious popular bitch part just ugh ew)
Maybe it's the environment. I just feel like school is all about joining in the rat rice right now with all the new policies and system in place. Or maybe because everyone is also in the rat race of being the most special snowflake. The weirdest. The coolest. The most fashionable. The most popular one. Ranks and useless labels. I want to quit and sleep all my days away. Useless school programmes and uninterested teachers. 
What is school about again?

And well... this "too bad people didn’t fall in love at the same pace, at the same time, for the same reasons, and too bad those emotions didn’t move simultaneously. "
why must teens have crushes
The crushed on and one having a crush both feel miserable.
What is the point.

I want a milkshake.

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