Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I finally have a keyboard, so here are some pictures taken with my trusty SII

School school school, alps alps alps, so tired even though it has only been the third day (゜´Д`゜)

I look super weird brace free, but pics with Nic must always be.... large. She is officially my travel buddy now that i will be bunking with her for OCIP, just like China Trip `11 ^-^
Bazillion types of chinese tea
The weirdest pair ever. Justin is really lame.

Everything there was so pretty i am still surprised i actually enjoyed the trip 
Super yumz (and pretty) tea cookies and tea eggs!!!!!!
The brewing of the tea was rather boring and we were more keen on eating. Meh
The really unappreciative teacher (LOL just look at how bored Yujie was) 
and the perfect asian high tea. Or so i would call it.
Justin and his asian LME face ugh  ヘ(。□°)ヘ
Sometimes i really doubt if 3K people will ever have decent pictures...........
Everyone had a go at brewing tea (and skipped alps+), sooo... IT WAS TIME WELL SPENT
Lokswen's turn to brew tea!

Look at Brendon. Idiot zzz
Yijun's turn
Xiuqi's turn

Our two dearest class chairpersons ^-^v
"I am the princess of the noisy bunch man," says Nic cause she had to sit with the noisy boys to keep an eye on them xD
Yesterday lol. Spent the entire night under my desk
This was at what.... 4am+? 
I opened my eyes to the glaring moonlight and frankly i was quite freaked out hahaha cause of all the weird legends and myths about moon/moonlight. 
Ah well, was a sleepless night because of the tea (+_+)
Received a ship cupcake from the best friend the next morning and walked downhill with Max and Charm after school so yesterday wasn't as bad as i thought it would be............
  even though i had double amath, double physics, english, emath, lit, history and 2 extra hours of physics (!!!) with only a 30 minute break before the last five lessons (zzz). 
Too much ok AHS, too much, too much because THE CANTEEN CLOSED AFTER MY LAST LESSON. WHAT ABOUT ME I AM HUNGRY????????????????????????? But i was instantly cheered up when i saw the sky yesterday cause the clouds were extreme fluffy *-*
Was soooooo bored during extra physics so here is a ninja turtle skydiver. 
And my retainers.
This picture describes all of our emotions rn lol.
Gloomy/dull/worn out/on the edge (of giving up) you name it.


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