Thursday, March 12, 2015

New start and also to end of Jan'15

“I am a woman with a body. For that I offer no explanation, shame, excuse or apology. In a culture obsessed with women shrinking, confidence is controversial. It is courage. I’m taking my peace back.” 
“Unrealistic photos of women destroy our perception of the human body. I refuse to hate my body. I’m a real girl, with a real body. Chin up, ladies. We can’t be broken."
“I’m still learning to love the parts of me that no one claps for.
Spent New Year's Eve with Jun, Denz, Chii, Soonch, Simone, Anabelle, Rachel and Shuyi @ Holland V!!! Got stranded when we left because we missed the last train so they cabbed home while Eugene came to Denz and I's rescue since i was meeting Eugene afterwards T______T thnk u ;_; Wanted to Punggol Waterway but we ended up chilling in the car at denz's carpark for an hour or so instead LOL My New Year's ended with milo and cereal hue hue (also ended sweetly otherwise)
LOL Denz raging me with Jun cuz i always buy swimsuit don't wear and here is my workplace's road sign found abandoned another lorong away lmao
Indie :D
And Ty hehe
Ty and Shalyn's Ace hehe
Denz's housewarming!!!!
LOL @ me in class
Surprised the bestfriend!
Also got called by my mum to go back asap only to return to a locked door mum PLS
IKEA with my girlies!!! Also Charm and I picked up $5 on the floor while we were on our way there so we used it to buy ice cream and hotdogs lmao #freefoodalwaystastebetter
Lok is the sweetest T_T
WEW comforting texts
Night out with Eugene hehehe
Nights out with you are the best!!11!!! ^_^ 
Visited AH with the boys!!!
lOolllooooollololololol lol at this so hard
My all time favourite bitch :')
Photoshoot at Fishy's for her/Van's web assignment!
wAaAaay too many pictures to even try and upload so here are some of the better ones:
Aftermath wasn't very pretty bc we all got very sunburnt T_T
Social Night!!! with a gross toe because Brownie dragged me across the friction mat during work and tore a huge hole into my flesh... yucks. I was v nervous pls cuz i was afraid i'd fall on my face in public? Which i OBVIOUSLY couldn't avoid.... >_> Managed to not fall the whole night until we had to go back?????? Like literally i fell (and toppled a metal chair yup yup) ((in front of everybody YUP)) (((ON MY FACE YUP YUP))) during the very last few minutes of the event lmao very graceful and superbly brilliant of you xinni ;_; 
Caught a midnight movie with him huehue which was Woman In Black 2? And someone had cold feet hoho
Was a fun night ^____^
Then caught Bring Back the Dead with my darling Jia hehe
Had our usual italian bmt (tradition since p5) with her huehue
Then she met KB to study and i waited for Eugene to bookout 
Then guess who woke up late for work the next day -_-" tsk tsk but heng my jia and eugene v sneaky so i made it in time for work and even had breakfast?!?!╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Stupid Chii
Outdoors class and matchy with Aishah!
When CDS was still a thing lmao so glad it is over
met my fair share of interesting lecturers and brought back my des fundals' final submission LOL
Surprised Baobai afterwards! Charm and I damn confident LOL we haven't been to Baobai's in ages (like the last time was probably p5) and we still wanna do this kinda thing (like surprise her at her door) #neveragain 
LOL the day someone with the same insta bio liked my pic
me thru my classmates' eyes:
ah doi i rly sit damn chor lor
Sent Eugene off to Brunei that midnight! No idea where the pics went but i look bad anyway... dug up some old pics omw to the airport and man i miss doing shizz like this :-(
LOL my teacher walked in to me like this and was v worried for me lOlol but at this point i seriously already hated school and whatever i was doing i couldn't wait for web to end wtf. And it was only web 1?!?!?!?!
Surprised Lok after that! :-)
nope the food part never happened
looked so frikkin bad the entire sem lmao frick
Pics from the simpang afternoon
LULz submission day! Everyone died and almost skipped Vera's class -  but decided to just ignore Vera and sleep in her class instead 
Red nails just because i found it and Chii...... pls.................
End of Jan!

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