Thursday, June 6, 2013

June is here! n_n
Met Amanda when i was out with Charm and Jia after their Chinese Os! It has sooo long omg :')
I still have a stack of small little notes we used to pass each other in the classroom / through the windows. Hahahaha act like the classrooms along the whole corridor is our mailbox wtf, we even exchanged to people from other classes, what social butterflies we were..... 
ALPs is pretty alright, tbh i kind of like going back to school because i do absolutely nothing at home and i have no deskm8s to talk to. Plus, i move around in school so much more than i do in school... sigh @ holidays and the lack of self discipline. Now i am unsure if i am happy or bummed that our very caring year heads cancelled school next week (-_-)ゞ゛85 has been our paradise lately
I am the best deskm8 ever (self proclaimed but w/edafakeverrrrr) i can't believe i entertain his minecraft and happy wheels nonsense. But oh well fair enough, he entertains me singing little mermaid all the time so we're even. (and there is the other deskm8, who always complains that he is left out cause the earpiece is never a threeway thing)
Everybody squeezing into one another's seat to watch stupid videos; i have the best table-area-mates ever
And of course never ever leaving out my best friend and her boyfriend hahahah
any home is cosy with them around.....................................
I have missed being around couples ^w^
I think i have been around couples more than i am attached and i actually enjoy this more omg
Okay so this v is the very creepy dog that her brother has (that we all believe is evil).
We were having a really intense game of... throwing soft toys around yesterday 
and it was very chaotic and nothing was in place but when her brother looked under the bed............. 
there it was - upright and i swear it is smiling -inserts dramatic evil music-
Here are a bunch of gifs:
there is going to be a whole post dedicated to them later on no worries
ha a ha what d'you think someone does when a couple cuddles??????
pix and gifS (you're welcome)
^ Then we had a little hat party v
Grumpy old men @ 85
Trees around my school. I am kind of surprised there are no squirrels or monkeys around?
But i guess even if there were they would have moved away cause we are so noisy...
I am so glad i am kind of out of this mess while y'all over think and over complicate simple issues cause i've figured things out (lol more like think straight for once) and found better things to do, better people to be around with etc.. What a big mess, what a big mistake, what a big whooooopdedoooo there. On another note, sometimes when my friends say i am unlucky for passing by another someone, i find myself not the least bit annoyed which makes me happy because this probably means i cling less onto things nowadays (HAHAHAH except my ey -candy crush oooooops) No point holding grudges ~ +ve feels~
but still, it is still weird how people can just drift apart into absolutely nothing.
How do humans work?????????????????????
ECP with the uhm.... 1/2 of tribe (wtf this word hasn't been used in months) since i cannot find any other term to collectively refer to Charm, Lok, Heidi, Grace, Jungan and Jhovelle TOMORROW, so stoked so stoked!!!!!

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