Friday, May 31, 2013

i rly like this picture idk why but
photo cred weheartit (lol)
|| a list of things i’ll never tell him

I’m sorry we mistook emotional manipulation for love.

I finished off that half-eaten apricot on your plate

on graduation day because I wanted to swallow something

that had touched your mouth.

Here’s a funny joke without a great punchline: what’s

the difference between love and a nightmare?

Nothing. They both hurt so much in the beginning

that you wish they’d end as soon as possible.

Sadness can’t be fucked out of anyone, no matter

how hard the headboard shakes.

Scars are just memories that skin holds so dear

it got them tattooed beneath the surface.

I once saw a cop give a pair of boots

to a homeless man on the street. I think that giving

you my heart was kind of like that.

My cousin’s nose always starts bleeding when

he’s around the person he likes for some reason.

If I were him and you were next to me,

my hands would be so red you couldn’t tell the difference

between them and a sunset.

Loneliness and aloneness are independent of one another.

I didn’t kiss you because I wanted to;

I kissed you because I felt an obligation to,

like writing a thank-you card for someone who’s saved

you from jumping off a building twice.

Your father would be proud of you.

Serial killers usually regret killing their victims

seconds before the lethal injection is delivered.

I only wish regretting you

were fatal too.

Loving you hurt so much I had to pull the plug

on our relationship, but I ended up

shocking myself instead. I’ll never

touch a wall socket again.

I spend hours and hours reading fragments of writings online all the time and i am not entirely sure if i am wasting my time away on insignificant things or is it considered well spent since they are all so lovely to me and make me happy after returning from a place where information is thrown at me and shoved down my throat. 

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