Thursday, October 13, 2016


after a really long time, i am finally alone in my house


i feel more alone than my house is
or have felt, for many weeks


i looked through all my daily chats in which i pour out different parts of my day to
and i can't but wonder why i do


the curtains are soft and drawn shut
and i am, drawn the same way to them

it's not just today

that they are drawn shut; they always are
maybe i should be too


i wonder why it's my curtains which give me the most comfort at the end of the day

is this fortunate?
or plain unfortunate?

to feel as though
only an inanimate object seems to be able to understand my emotions that wax and wane

perhaps it's learnt behaviour
from facing the moon


"Of all the female sins, hunger is the least forgivable; hunger for anything, for food, sex, power, education, even love."

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