Monday, January 18, 2016

Maybe the truth is designers are the most miserable people because they CHOOSE to find a problem in everything in order to inject their ~creativity~ in problem solving; which i find absolutely needless if everything is going fine. "Question everything" okay, but why? What for? Do we question everything JUST because we ~don't want to JUST blindly accept things as they are~ ~stick to the status quo~ ~why must we do things the way it has always been done~ Purposely going out of the way JUST to prove you can design something better (even if your friends don't see a difference AT ALL) Why PICK on everything? Sure bad design irks but tbh only designers notice it. Of course i understand some posters are a no-no, but if things look good as it is to somebody, why must it always, ALWAYS relate to a concept or something deeper? As if there is a reason behind how beautiful the waves sound when they splash against the shoreline or why the smell after rain comforts people.

What for? Damn special snowflake syndrome la. I mean, do you really question why that cover of the magazine that is lying on your table was designed like that? What's the concept behind it? Why is the model decked in those clothes? Why is the typeface so tiny? Why is it scribbly? Do you? Do you REALLY unless you're a designer? Also if it's a local 8 days magazine, would you really admit anything is well designed or criticize it madly based on your ~newfound designer instincts~ as compared to praising hipster magazines like Kinfolk?

I can't believe i used to think office jobs were "boring" and hence wanted to join design because yknow, designers are c00l are FUn! BULLSHIT xinni. HA what a bad decision. (again, shows how the special snowflake syndrome totally leads you into design....) Today i realised how can office people be boring when jobs end at 5, at most 11pm with OT? Once you're out of the office, you're out with no obligations to stay up all night long until a good concept hits you, or constantly jerk up in your sleep because you remember subconsciously a concept (that's award worthy enough) ((why else come up with any other concept right. nothing is good enough unless it's award worthy and NEW enough)) hasn't dawned on you yet. The truth is, both are zombies and both are dead "boring" if you don't love your job/whatever you do; but also let's be real the economy is bad it's not the time to talk about loving anything with your whole heart, it's finding something where you're willing to just suck it up, OR hate the LEAST. It's so hard to be sane in this environment when you're not creative: it's true, i'm NOT at all a creative person. I'm just a boring plain jane and all i want is a stable BORING job for life.

I'm so tired of design, it feels so so so toxic to me and is slowly turning me into an extremely toxic person to hang out with as well.

To you: sorry if i'm a grumpy and frustrated ball of angst these days, it's just that i can't sleep properly (lol don't wanna stay up do work also will wake up) and i keep waking up for no reason at night, thank goodness you're a heavy sleeper. HAHAHAH thank goodness you can fall asleep to my initial snores and not wake up even tho i jerk up every now and then after we fall asleep. The worst is i still wake up earlier than you and when i'm left with nothing to do instead of being able to think of new concepts and ideas i'm WORRYING and benig anxious lmao. I still refuse to acknowledge i snore!!!!!!!!

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