Thursday, June 4, 2015

Before China

Spent two days at NDC for some 3D printing workshop! It was quite cool but also quite boring because it was irrelevant to my group project's but whatever, at least i learnt something.
Also went to a Cantonese Opera Teahouse @ Chinatown!
LOL @ Charmaine's snap and thinking back, quite glad i got the opportunity to venture into and learn about Cantonese Opera although it definitely is nowhere in my field of interests at all; but i guess the culture and history behind it is something i will always be a sucker for
Surprised Shuyi!
Also (finally) had a stayover @ Jun's with Nicole and Denz :') Eugene was still in Thailand back then :-(
Celebrated Chii and Brendon's the next day! You can't tell from this picture but the atmosphere/environment was totally not Denzel and I's thing lmao we felt more stressed out/awkward than anything
Thanks buddy for the dinner!
YONG TAU FOO MAKES ME SO SO SO HAPPY! Now every YTF meal i have i snap a pic and send it to Eugene xD
My friends are so, so sweet ;_;
That morning (a few hours before i flew) charmaine sounded like she was going to BAIL lmao AND i'm the luckiest girl ever because the boyfriend returned to SG @ 4am (with minimal sleep) and still fetched me to the airport ;_; saw him for an hour or so before i had to go for China for another 2 weeks omg April was such an awful month for us T_T
but still, i'm very fortunate to have him!1!!!

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