Tuesday, May 5, 2015

I hate how easy it is for me to get tired of something so easily eg. school lmao i feel so burnt out and while most people get their revelations that they are indeed !~designers~! in year 2, i'm pretty damn sure at the moment this revelation will not come for me ever anymore LOL. and so i'll end up like majority of the senior batches in vsc.. who won't end up in design. problem is i don't even think i'll make it anywhere lmao. also quite ironically my best scoring subjects are subjects like: cinema wtf. whatevs gotta suck it up cuz i chose this path myself (not like jc wouldn't be shittier for me lel) i just want to graduate and be a secretary?!?! but at the same time cat just berated me saying "dude you said this in secondary school what are you gonna do when you're a strong independent secretary? // how you gonna graduate work"

so back to what i was saying,
i really hate how i tire of things so easily. it's not even like i'm giving up or anything but it makes everyday things so mundane and painful to get through and oh my God (yes God) ((not even goodness)) i don't want to live my life like that forever. wEw!11!!1 v SICK of everything lel pass away lel thank God this will never apply to the humans I hold close to my heart in my life

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