Thursday, February 6, 2014

“February is the shortest month of the year, so if you are having a miserable month, try to schedule it for February.”
Screenshots of things that made me happy in jan:
Jeremy's snapchats......... effort shown either 10 or 100 i cannot
and as usual, work zZzzZZz although i guess there are perks too, just that i am prejudiced 
Xinmin had the prettiest aquarium ever and it was like Finding Nemo because there was Nemo, Dory and the starfish hahaha so adorable please! We just stayed around that fish tank for 20 minutes hahah we must have looked a lil cray.
They even had a sea urchin wth
Claudia (or rather, Louisa's) cool jacket
This was when we stuck around the mrt station for 20 mins like losers because we were trying to find hands that fit ours. Or hands where ~the spaces between our fingers are right where yours fit perfectly~ we were so amazed by everything that day idek, despite the fact that we kept frequenting the same area for 3 days straight in a row.
Singapore in 1 picture:
Claudia is officially my eating and napping buddy hur hur. Gonna miss this bunch when the project ends no matter how much i say i hate it LOL.  Met up with Jun and Denz after work, tried korean food with Jun and went shopping for Jun's shoes which turned into shopping for Xinni fml hahaha.
The first tree reminds me of how i stood under it for 30 minutes trying to hail a cab after a double session during the peak hour. It was cray. Second tree reminds of how i have been seeing so many bald trees in Tampines omg
and saw my favourite Jiayi aiyo, can't believe she is taking Os already and i am done with it omg.
AND MISS NORIFF i miss her so much tsk
People i love
Mr Chan who hugged us all, dawww
Cny; went all oriental and qipao with mum this year hahaha
Not many pix because my family is so boring every year hahaha all we do is eat
my hair is tri coloured now but only people who has seen me in green hair can see it
The annual ahs alumni cny dinner i have without fail every year. Sometimes i cannot believe how far they have come
That concluded my second day of cny and the third was spent with my babies hehe
this chair is impossible to get out of 
I FINALLY played ban luck and mahjong that day. Like i never played it until then what the shizzzzz it was so fun (or maybe because i suaku hahahaha)
LOL boys take such bad photos i don't even know why we trust them with that task...........
Ended the day off with dinner @ 9pm because they were hungry which reminded me of our chalet times because we were always up till 3am unknowingly.......... gone are those times because most of them are in jc now :-(
Had another off day (no idea why... but this kinda thing don't ask better hehe) so i slept in all day and met Jiahui at around 3+ and we headed to Penny Uni and had (our) brunch with Keiyun :-) Met Doris and Claudia there too hahaha. Had our food and a long bus ride back before i walked back (hehe in my new sandals) because the wind was really refreshing for my work-laden soul lmao
Had work then met up with Denz and Marcus after their soccer game @ Stadium because i was nearby then went to bai nian at Lokswen's and finally met the canteen table gang :-) Nic, Jun and I's ootds hahaha, have been so in sync with my unicorn (or rather realised that we have been) that it is quite terrifying (and we suspect our parents are secretly related)
Won't be seeing much of their happy faces anymore because they have already started school :-( I am quite bummed because on one hand i feel like this holiday is way too long for me to endure but at the same time... where did it go??????
Then for some unknown reason i had enough energy to drag myself out to meet Jiahui and Kianyong lulz my energy level can totally be seen from my face and puffy eyes
Will be seeing even lesser of this jiajia now that JC has started and i highly doubt she can work full days on saturdays with me already :-( this saturday shall be our last and final full work day together
So glad Kianyong is always here to entertain our bored asses hungry asses or sad asses or whatever. Pfffft and since he bojio-ed us with Yixuan once we shall always use this against her HAHAHAH ok i keed, i miss my MOlihua :-( OH also went crazy at Sasa and swept almost everything in the mask section off the shelves, i need to stop impulse buying -_-"
This job is making me feel quite miserable.......... or maybe it is just aunt ruby. I think it is aunt ruby.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i need a note 3 ermahgerd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

|| “My body wasn’t made to be loved on occasion.
it was made to be loved every night, with warm hands.
Everyday, with dedication, like the suns dedication to the earth.”
All i really want to do now is read and maybe sleep for an entire day and take a break but at the same time i have gotten so used to working i feel guilty when i don't......... zzzzz. On a brighter note i am finally getting a dslr of my own! :D Perks of working hahaha i am quite certain that over the holidays i have become a work addict. Lolol but right now i cannot wait for:

  1. work to end on the 24 feb
  2. go lilac
  3. japan trip (and hopefully a job before this.......)
  4. school to start (???)
okay i am not exactly very stoked for point 4 because i don't know anybody say for like... 2 people because they are my primary school friends (hehehe schooling with Amanda again i cannot wait) Plus i am quite unsure if i can make it suddenly like i am so doubtful of my own (non existent) abilities rn i don't think i will ever be prepared for school.Ok no but srsly i doubt if i can draw i don't even dare to draw rn bc i don't wanna see how bad i am at it HAHAHAHAH and even the fact that people go school to pick up skills/learn does not comfort me at all now sigh pie. Oh well. Till then (and right now) ((very thankfully,)) i am still feeling very blessed and happy and i guess this is the aftermath of xsy`13 idek. I hope i don't fare as badly as i think i will. 

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