Saturday, December 7, 2013

// you wrestle yourself to the ground
you springboard and kick yourself in the mouth
cause all of that drama, that embarrassed charade
couldn't stop you or settle you down

so you got back with your black hole
and you don't care who's out there or who knows
cause you're spent and you're sad
cause you've bronzed it, it's your badge
and you've fixed it to all your clothes

Celebrated Chloe and Caden's second; good gracious i finally got to see them AND Agnes after a year!!!
They have grown so much in the past year ;_; can't believe i missed their growth and i am quite upset how we aren't close :-( I hope i get the chance to see them more often?! Hahahah i think i am showing favouritism already which is unfortunately what i have to be careful of because there are still other kids we have to love equally in the famz!!11!
Our stars :')
and uhm.. cousin shots which i couldn't send to myself because my aunt has no 3G or whatsoever...
We win most awkward trio in pictures award lolol. We aren't like that irl thankfully! But our lil cousin is going through her primary school goth phase HAHAHAH so i guess we won't be speaking for quite a while until she outgrows it. Agnes just finished As and me, Os and we couldn't be happier hehe, i'm pleased as punch that i finally got to see her after all these months of not seeing her at all (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
I really frikkin love where my aunt and uncle are staying and in fact, i've thought about how i would make use of the house even if it was mine HAHAHAHA. I wished i lived in Marine Parade??? and had a balcony???
They day i went over to cat's with the new neighbour Lok and Studio Ghibli-ed our lives away
Which also reminded me of how much i hated Japan back in P5/6? Of how i hate how i am unable to hate Japan fully (until now) because a history student side of me would hate her BUT justify her actions at the same time. Anyway, 1940s-Japanese are different from 2013-Japanese too (but war is still terrible) ((why must there be war)) Why did i watch Grave of the Fireflies again to break my own heart? I will never know.
While discussing Japan we talked about the days when we still had to study History hahaha, man those essay days are gone. Hehe just realised this are my possible future housem8s, i really hope it happens no matter how stupid this sounds atm hahaha. Chaos man chaos, we will be on the internet for 20 hours daily if we were to live together.
Collected their Illumirun race pack with them @ City Square Mall! Went to JEM afterwards to get Denz's birthday present (he told me today that Nicole was a bad liar........ damn it means he knew from the start hahah we are the worst surprise present/party people ever srsly). THINGS GOT INTERESTING lolol, because we got involved in a bus accident. I mean what are the chances right?! since our government is so strict and all about ~safety~ and bus accidents don't happen very frequently here either. Anyway it happened all because of some lady that decided that suddenly swerving and turning from a third lane and intercepting a bus full of people is a good idea.
We bus-ed to City Square, bus-ed to Jurong, and bus-ed back to the East too; i guess the mrt lost its appeal
Work!!! although quite irregularly nowadays because it is afterall, post Os and the holidays and all our friends are meeting up and going out now before they leave for overseas. Win some, lose some ~_~ Hahahaha i am so lucky, Jia always has her phone somewhere nearby when we work together.
this is me literally trippin over a dog omg (thus the face)
Luffy, Hannah and Twinkle! ^_^
Luffy is my love..... sorry i am biased i try not to be :-( Sigh but she shat (heng not on me lolol) while i was drying her and also proceeded to chew my arm raw after i dried her.... sigh the things i go through for you Luffy!!!!!! I dare say i probably love you than any boys in my life la pls.
Chillin with Luffy on a rainy afternoon, what more can i ask for? (●´∀`)ノ♡
Look at those teeth; please also keep in mind they are only BABY teeth. 
"my dog life"
"Luffy paw!!!!!!" 
"No? No...? Ok -_-"
"Twinkle paw!!!!!"
“I think hell is something you carry around with you. Not somewhere you go.”
With the co worker i never knew was one, until he returned from HK wat
Went to Queenstown after work on 5 Dec; Jia wanted to bring me to eat xlb hehe and i was so stoked because i didn't eat breakfast and ended work @ 4pm but e went there only to find out they don't open for business on Thursday? IT WAS SUCH A BUMMER :-( We still managed to get our avocado juice there tho, and we made our way back to Bedok to get xlb zzz and checked out Bedok Mall afterwards. 
Work is not dreadful or boring, i am so blessed to have such friendly colleagues (yay new friends, new mentors, new skills, new experiences) and a get at least on common shift with Jia per week :') Little things like these really keep me going (´▽`ʃƪ)
After we all got attacked by mango cake; celebrated our darling Denz's 16th today!
Played pool (watched... for me bc i am so n00b) for 2.5h and lepak-ed at McDs before going home!
 Happy birthday to my most brotherly friend; so thankful for this 201 buddy who always ends up letting me drink most of his bbt, hop onto our common buses and go to places with me when we need to, doing my bidding 99.8% of time and always discussing HK dramas with me and Nicole. What would i do without this friend who always sayang me!!! HAHAHA i kid, he is gl-ing us (me esp) 99% of the time. Still, i am glad that i managed to spend quality time with him/these people throughout the year; i am really starting to miss the company i used to enjoy (... or not hehe) daily in school oh man :')
On a side note, Nicole and i have reached a new level of camwhoring; after these 4 years with one another, not only have we adopted the same expression coincidentally in most of our photos, now we have the same poses and same body slant as well HAHAHAHA.
OH and i blew $40 on a top and shorts the other day for no good reason at all. Oh well. I really love this top tho
My hand reaaaaaally hurts and is bruised because Luffy playfully chewed on me yesterday because she is teething... i guess this is why they say love hurts.

I really don't know why i am up at 2am almost everyday and listening to songs or reading things that make me want to disappear forever. I am so exhausted. Everything goes downhill once night falls.

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