Sunday, August 25, 2013

!!!August is ending!!!
“It’s funny, how rock bottom can be considered the absolute worst point of your life, yet rock bottom is the exact place on the ocean floor where divers touch down willingly. It’s the one place that forces them to rise back up to the surface, no matter how far down they’ve fallen.”
Things that have been happening since i last blogged:
Went ikea shopping with the gurls for Jhove's herb garden! 
(also took a photo with my boy, hEhehehEhEheheheeh)
Fell in love with flower shops
ft charm's very messy room
some mask that came with my dress hehe it made my face feel like baby cheeks
Spent national day @ hard rock cafe for a celebration with my mum's family... i will always feel out of place with them. It just always feels like i am jack dawson and they are rose's mother u feel mi???????
HAHA my mum tripped while asking me to take a picture so cute.  And a very screwed picture of my ootd because my phone suddenly restarted but oh well. Had stingray at ecp afterwards yum. (and zi char the next day double yum)
Then the next day even more of my mum's family came over LOL and this is my aunt... HOW ADORABLE IS SHE?!!?
She came over on the day my bedsheets and carpet were the ugliest zzz BUT LOOK AT HER omg
Jiaheng gave me a fabulous balloon @ church :-) | Popiah @ old airport road
Thank you my pretty pixie for the birthday sox! They are so adorbs (and nope the glow in the dark doesn't work :-( but das ok it still looks cool)
School!!!!!! Not even going to bothering separating any of these pictures by days already because tbh i wouldn't even remember/be able to differentiate.... and because of night study we can all say (in denz's words), "I see you all more than i see the back of my eyelids." Not complaining though, because i really enjoy the company of these crazy people and i can't believe we will all be going on vastly different paths in... ~70 days? :-( I think i'll miss the people who i don't know who walk by the corridors everyday even wtf.
Hahaha night study back stretching
This is me sleeping in class before they turned the aircons off... so glam. And these are my best mates on their iphones and sitting in the same way.
Also, best mate cat wanted to kick me so bad because i was camwhoring in front of him for about 15 mins straight because i just couldn't get my hair to fall in place.
another day is over
............ this is why one should never leave their phone under the table. OR their bags.
Otherwise you'll just return to a phone with your eyecandy's face plastered all over it, and... these.
This is a picture of my deskm8 and the under of my desk.
So annoying my phones made gifs out of their picture spam on G+
Here are my more beautiful friends: (HAHAHA ok jk deskm8 and denz)
Jia and Lok :-)
Went exploring with charm one day
This was the day i went to school to Justin telling me i looked terrible (bc of my eyebags) i was so sad omg.
 4k people doing what 4k does the best: Sleeping on chairs and camwhoring
So this week was a bad week for me (and my usual circle of friends i guess) because we just couldn't concentrate for long periods of time and we got distracted super easily? On wednesday we didn't do anything and had a lengthy chat with Mrs Bong instead, LOL. Then we had to go for night study and halfway through @ ~8pm we decided to take a stroll together since it was 七月十五 and there will be a full moon. And so we went on a romantic stroll which turned out to be an exploration of the school. 
Jumped over railings / climbed steep slopes and everything in the dark and then this picture happened.
In all honesty this wasn't edited and perhaps a light trick but wow. (let's not forget it is still the seventh lunar month shall we.....) 
So anyway when i took this picture it wasn't this bright in our eyes because my camera was in night mode and i thought that white figure was... Marcus? Then after taking this he appeared beside and asked me what is that wtf fml so i just went okay........... detour guise leggo LEGGO!!!! While we were on our way back i just mentally brushed it off as a pillar; then when i was back in the canteen and instagrammed it (which was clearer since i made it brighter; you can click from the top bar ^) and i thought chey it was a pillar and double confirmed myself. I was happy the whole night because i caught a creepy picture that wasn't irl creepy the whole night omg.
 That is... until i went home and zoomed in and realised it is ????????see through?????? And Marcus walked by again in the morning and told me there was only a window there and no pillars... and it couldn't have been a shadow because it would be dark instead.  AND SO this is how i accidentally fulfilled my "i wish i caught something weird in pictures" and also effectively lost about 5 years of my life from the scare i had after zooming in and thanking myself for having the balls to do such things. #yolo #swagswagonme ALSO even Mr Yong was intrigued so... thumbs up xinni. #neverdoingthisagain
Like as if that wasn't enough.... after instagramming it we went to check out the tower hall which is reportedly the most (actually the only) haunted place in ahs wtf. Didn't encounter anything but we walked past the dnt room and up the long flight of stairs which was scary HAHAH just grabbed onto lok and cat for security #wimp. Sometimes i wonder why we do such reckless things. But i guess that is because i haven't zoomed into my own picture yet LOL.
The first time i washed my hair in school (bc we went to have our own pe time after school) besides during student camps.
Also the day i returned to class to see Zhengyu and had a little (very little) 2A reunions with these vainbutts :')
(hahaha little gathering and yet we still managed to take so many pictures... we live up to our names)
With my dearest unicorn who isn't so little anymore ^:) 
@Graceybabypop yo
R: guess Zhengyu was correct when he said 4k was like a permanent camp. 
HAHAHA our papa yong and regine + i love how Denz's parents play titanic in his car (esp when i am in it)
Went on yet another all night adventure/exploration with the best friends on friday night

Gr8 view gr8 moon gr8 stars
all of "singapore" in a picture
Well. Best friends at tourist attractions at night
After this whole night exploration thing we realised why SG is always so orderly and the building of skyscrapers is never stagnant: because while majority of SGreans are sleeping or partying at 2/3am, the foreign workers are still working at their sites or even polishing and replacing slightly cracked tiles. Not sure what to feel about this oh well. We also saw people clubbing almost everywhere hahahaha, SGreans seem to party just as hard as they work; and uni students in SG go night cycling all night long i swear.
took a night rider!!!!!! It was so hilarious omg because we realised our police had tons of things to do on friday nights like drag people who were drunk off the roads omg. There were also tons of taxis and ambulances and seriously, the whole road was just police cars, ambulances, and a sea of taxis. And unconscious drunkards.
Had tv dinners and they slept at the skate park till 7am+ Was amused with myself because my school alarm rang at 0545 and i was like "I haven't even slept yet and you want me to wake up????" idek
Reached home at around 0830 slept around 0900 till 1030; hung out watched a japanese horror movie while eating sushi and seaweed and then went for the summer fest @ japanese school with 4F and some 4K people! :-)
Omg what can i say, it is pretty cool having a Japanese as your friend's friend i guess? Also, if there were people who do not age it is the Japanese. I swear all of them look so good and also i want all of their shoes...
Pictures from Siyu: (hehe made new friends as well)
was a gr8 day thank you guys!!!!!!!! :-)
Was quite a crazy night and we also got a little tipsy and danced everywhere we went
Grace, Lok, Denz, Jed and i also decided to walk back from Flora Drive back home; i've been walking so much i think i need a foot massage omg. But still thumbs up xinni for surviving with a few hours of sleep after a whole day of school then a whole night of exploring then a whole night of Japanese food and partying.
looked terrible after all these omg.
NOW IT IS TIME TO START WORK what a wild and crazy (AND ANGSTY) weekend.
Stupid people aren't worth my time though. It's better not to be involved in anything ;-)

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