Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves.
 Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you."
Met Jhove on the bus and we went to ECP ~
Hahaha these pictures are so ~summer~ idek
I need to stop slouching my shoulders backwards and my waist forward wtf i look fat and preggers i cannot
hahaha sigh whateverthefakeverrrrrrr no body shaming, no body shaming.
Had so much fun in the waters with my luvs, sometimes i think we are out of our minds doing such reckless things, but again, we will never be as reckless as our teenage selves again, will we? :-)
Waited for Heidi, Grace and Jungan for our food cause we finished Jhove's potato celery salad (yumz) and digged into Lok's pancakes already but Grace and Heidi had things on so they couldn't make it in the end but Jungan showed up later on because she was baking shepherd's pie for us! :') It was delicious hehe. If anyone is wondering what Charm and I did, we provided drinks and plates/cups/cutleries which weren't of much use because we are not saliva conscious HAHAHAH.
Got a black swan like cut from swimming in the sea
Went crazy with Charmaine on the beach even after we cleaned up and Ernest kept trying to touch my chin which led me running non stop after him on the shoreline then falling to the ground because i cannot breathe anymore then spinning Charmaine round and round and around. This went on in cycles omg, also disrupted Lok taking pictures and looked like a lunatic in almost all the photos. By the time we made it to McDs i looked like a crazy hobo hahaha.
It was a such a fun day ^w^
+ my cupcake Jung who was hiding :*
Oh and i lugged this passionfruit tea around everywhere which ended up as my dinner and brunch the next day.
 I am so sick of passion fruit rn..........
This is us singing at the tunnel which was the only place i could get a properly lit video hahahah
Note to self: don't slouch don't slouch don't slouch
Went to church and i talked the most that sunday compared to all the combined sundays i have been there hahahah. Sudden burst willingness to interact lulz, and Jiaheng gave me Chamomile tea he got from his humanities trip to Sri Lanka! Showed me photos and gaahhhhh i miss the mountains so, so much.
Suddenly feel detail oriented so i shall type this out even though there aren't any pictures to accompany it;
Had chemspa in the morning and oh dear i screwed up... i hope somehow i get theory marks for a chemistry practical skills test and it saves my ass. Oh well. Had subway with Lok and Grace after they were done with Bio class; man i love my wraps and raspberry cookies. Went to Lok's after that and we moped around and entertained ourselves until we got so sleepy we decided to leave and go home.... where i decided to nap before getting dinner which just ended up with me oversleeping and got too lazy to even get dinner lulz.
Rushed out of home today to meet up with my deskm8s for the ss project~
His house is amazeballs even though it isn't very huge.
I am absolutely in love with his sister's room omg
Moped around playing fun run after we completed the ss project. Ate so much there because his mum was so hospitable and kept getting us food omg. Today it dawned upon me that it is quite awkward that i am the only girl lolsies, but i am already bro zoned just that their parents don't know so.... i realise it's not only my deskm8s that forget i am a girl,  i too forget i am a girl omg.
might be going to malaysia with my darling Agnes again, because our mothers feel like we deserve a break (hahahaha i totally do not deserve that break omg). June holidays aren't that bad afterall... although i know i should be doing work rn!!???!?!!?! 

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