Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I hope this time things turn out well for you

april offers nothing but
happy pictures
happy faces
sunsets sunrises
clothes and candles
things of the past
things gone 
please don't return
There's something about messy old houses i like and i hate it that the government is going to demolish my second home soon :-(
Stupid Marcus and the circus troupe of a class i have
our mirror hahaha
suddenly hopping into a pic is always a bad decision
Class lunch proposed by the most amazeballs + caring form teacher to spur us on for myes
Responsibility's Regine's
Found really pretty roses in school! & Regine put one in my hair
Spending most of my time cross legged in freezing rooms nowadays
Agnes has a gay iphone
L: Dearest Agnes | R: Lulz Yijun and Denzel takes candy crush way too seriously
my green bruise (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
Always find it funny how i never ever have a picture with my bestest,
probs cause she looks too grumpy for this shizz but again,
wot wuld i do w/o u rite, luv u most bby grumpy ass bij (jk)
april is over

 "…It’s funny how someone can be such an integral part of your life, like you laugh at the same jokes and eat your ice cream cones the same way and share your toys and dreams and everything but your heartbeats, and then one day - nothing. You share nothing. It’s like none of it ever happened."

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