Friday, March 15, 2013

Are you out there what you're doing, or are you just getting by?


Today was undoubtedly one of the roughest day i ever had, and it made all the other sad/upset days seem super ridiculous, and insignificant. Felt so.. awful/terrible but also so loved, lucky, blessed today. The toughest and most upsetting thing is to watch someone who cares for yo(u/s) so much to be too morose to even speak to yo(u/s) because you/we let that someone down, and made that someone feel foolish and feel like an absolutely lousy human being. And also realising how much we all let everyone around us else down too with our lousy attitudes/lack of care/lack of enthusiasm, the teachers/classmates that we love so dearly. Hearing the voice of someone you cannot stand to see cry, crack and break down/people who do everything for the class be disappointed is such a horrible feeling and i never want to go through it again.
There is always a brighter side to things, and this the brighter side hehe: We are the luckiest class ever, we have the loveliest classmates and although there are apparent cliques, we are still a class -one class-. We are in the hands of the most dedicated, most caring, most patient teachers around, and it isn't a s/he-is-a-teacher-and-we-are-only-students r/s. They don't just do what they have to do then leave, they care and would go the extra mile for us and i'm so so glad we have a (f/cf)teacher that pampers us, and another to straighten us out when we get too much. To have 6/7 pointers in class who are remarkably selfless and wouldn't feel great if the other 28 people aren't doing well, who would try anything to help everyone, to make sure no one is lagging behind or left behind. We are one extremely blessed 4K ♡

Best thing about today is the further realisation that the 29 of us all love one another, through fun times and even not so fun times. We're not just out for ourselves -inserts all the gay emojis- *^-^*
heheh just a little something to get us all by with no intention of preaching any religion at all, 
just the belief that we can accomplish whatever we think we can
Sounds a lot like the law of attraction to me tho x)
Being tired is never an excuse for not having even a basic level of respect.

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