Thursday, January 31, 2013

"You know what’s dumb? 
The concept of treating adolescents like children throughout the entirety of their teenage years and then at around age 17 pulling a complete 180 and expecting them to decide within the next couple years what they want to do with the rest of their lives"
^ This is how i feel right now... and probably how we all do now.

I don't really fancy the idea of growing up or leading my own life.
I am already worried about the bills that i need to pay in the future.
Or the house i will never afford. Or if i will hate my job.
Will i find someone i am willing to do the things i hate for?
Will i ever find time for my old friends?  
What if never advance anywhere, i wonder...

Today, I dropped my physics!!!! I am left with 7 subjects.
I flunked both my mathematic tests. SEA History is good so far.
My teacher didn't look like she approved of my drawing for English.
I can't decide if i feel relieved or anxious.
Happy or feeling nothing in particular at all.
Also, i realised my mother doesn't care about my principal's opinions,
and my dad can't be bothered to find out how my studies are.
My parents........ are too cool for school.
I want to return to thailand. I must by the end of 2013.

I have a long to-do list this week(end). 
My dear Grace; so glad i have her. I don't want to leave the comfort of ahs/current social circle.........
"There are two sides to everything" Well... pictures of school on different sides... at the same time.
Sleepy people during chinese... and after-school 4k bonding time hahaha
Found a lovebird's (or i assume,) egg! ^-^

My pretty pixie Regine, and best travel/straight teeth mate ever ^v^
Will miss cca after i step down! Although cca bores me to no end hahaha.

Just like how we were 3 months back 

Everytime the reformed tribe (or w/e it is called... party group?) meets up, 
we will be on cloud nine and the highest of the highest, and almost always,
straight after that, we all come crashing down.
It is happening again.
Why can't you grow up? You're totally not seeing where i am coming from, and missing the entire point we wanted to bring across to you. People change all the time, you're not that special/stop trying to seem like such a fragile snowflake that everyone is supposed to take extra delicate care of. Most importantly, stop sitting there and wallowing in your self pity at how things turned out, when i/we have repeatedly told you about how your actions make things worst (but you still continue to do it, and give the most cliche and ridiculous excuses ever to justify your actions). You bring paranoia to a whole new level, and if there is anything anyone has against you and will always use against you, it is your stupidity. 
I have been rather intolerant of stupid actions that i know will ruin friendships eventually. Jeez.

On a brighter side, i am glad i haven't ruined anything in the past four weeks yet HAHAHAHA

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