Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sec 2 Xinni vs Sec 4.

Still trying to get used to following my schedule........ which hasn't been going well so far.
Have been such a temperamental person and swooning over everything, everybody and everywhere and i am not even sure why. Just yesterday i swept everything off Marcus' table and was so angry cause he pulled my chair but we ended up giggling for 5 minutes after (wtf) Then at cca i giggled and squealed non stop over cute guys with Wenxin. And usually i am just squealing about my friends and people i think they look cute with at the canteen, corridors... everywhere. Or being angry at every subject i take, at the school skirt, at people i don't know, at lockers, at canteen tables... at everything. Then i sit down, calm down, and have no idea what is going on. I don't like this phase i want it to pass.

It is always us who has to take a step back and see what is wrong, and more often than not, we are kind of forced to find something wrong that we have done even if there was none, even if it was our best. When is it ever going to be your turn to take a step back, and realise no matter how your intentions are kind, it ends badly? None of us thinks that you're talking crap/not listening/not heeding your advice but the moment you say we "leave it till the last two weeks" you break the entire foundation that the 'i-am-willing-to-listen-to-you-cause-you-know-what-you-are-saying' thing is built on. Or at least for me. I am not being ungrateful imo, i am just amused how you are the one who makes everyone not want to listen to you, then get angry cause nobody is listening.  
Also, instilling a reading culture you may say. Then why are juniors scolded cause they forgot to bring/don't have their chinese book but they are reading an english book? Isn't it the same, isn't it still reading? 

I need to stop questioning everything seriously ;_;
(how do people know what dinosaurs sound like? nobody has a recording of them...?)

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