Sunday, January 27, 2013

A horrible school week imo, was so grumpy the whole week 
Then Friday came and TGIF was extra relevant this week cause i was so exhausted phew.
Gave out flyers with 1/2 of the class for the Feb 8 CIP event thing, and had a class lunch ^-^
Everything is instantly better when you're out of school (and when it ends at 12.40pm)

Shopped from 11am-6.45pm (and om was playing die antwoord fyes)
Shopping is so tiring man. Took a bus back with charmaine and h2hed on the bus (hahah so gay)
I wish all friends understood why sometimes i don't treat them exactly the same way i treat another friend, or why some things i just... don't think of mentioning to them at all. It is not that i am a liar, it is just that there is no use in telling you cause it doesn't matter/aggravates things. And i really see no point in competing to be the better "best friend" or w/e, i mean, i am unable to treat everyone the same way, initiate conversations with everybody, hit all of my friends, or tell everything to everybody; Some people are easier to talk to, and some people are easier to approach, and some people i know are easier to confide in. (and some people are easier to hit because we know each other too well........ or we are friends because of that) 
Friendships are all built on different foundations okay jeez.
Sigh pie i wish for all things to go smoothly.

Reminded me so much of Chiangrai and stargazing days. I miss my pulau tekong gang :(
I still miss my banana tree.

Food for thought:
“How far have you walked for men who’ve never held your feet in their laps?
How often have you bartered with bone, only to sell yourself short?
Why do you find the unavailable so alluring?
Where did it begin? What went wrong? And who made you feel so worthless?
If they wanted you, wouldn’t they have chosen you?
All this time, you were begging for love silently, thinking they couldn’t hear you, but they smelt it on you, you must have known that they could taste the desperate on your skin?
And what about the others that would do anything for you, why did you make them love you until you could not stand it?
How are you both of these women, both flighty and needful?
Where did you learn this, to want what does not want you?
Where did you learn this, to leave those that want to stay?”
Warsan Shire

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