Saturday, November 10, 2012

School is  f i n a l l y over
So so so so so so happy. 
Out for a movie with da boyz and Lokswen tomorrow, 
OCIP dance practice on Monday (12th), 
MEET BAOBAI my baobao HAHAH on Tuesday (13th),
3K outing to Sentosa on Thursday (15th), 
OCIP meeting then sleepover on Friday (16th),
 - Sleepover- Saturday (17th)
I can safely conclude i have a life now!!! 
All these makes up for the torturous 2 weeks of school that just passed,
-which is- 
(including alps+), 3780 minutes wasted in school.
Or, 63 hours (wtf)

~period feels~

Have been annoyed by many little things recently idek. 
#1 is that i hate it when people mind nitty gritty things like who starts the convo.  Are you serious. Look if we talk, we talk. If we are not talking and you having something to say, just start the convo. It is not that hard really. Likewise, if you have nothing to say, then leave it be -_- HOW HARD IS IT. Get angry cause i am tweeting but i didn't send you a morning text? Really? Makes everything so complicated for no good reason at all, and also it ticks me off so the convo ends ANYWAY so what is the point here you tell me.
I don't care if it is coincidental or not but i hate your guts ok lol. Nobody is trying to be you or competing with you okay happy? There is no need for your sarcasm really. And no need to h8 or complain either cause i know for sure he won't stand up for you ever, that is how much of a wimp he really is -_-"
Never noticed/understood fully why guys say girls for mean guys until this month.
People can be really blind and not see who has been there all along...........................
Your loss though. 
One. does. not. simply. tell someone you hope nothing ruins the friendship between you two, then proceed to  be awkward every single time s/he tries to talk to you okay. No.

I have been annoyed the whole day so i guess these things won't bother me by the time i wake up tomorrow and i will laugh at this LOL. Girls.............................

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