Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The weak is there to justify the strong

*[Call me immature, unloyal to the school, a whiny ass teenager who does nothing but sit on her ass and complains but doesn't get up and do something, whatever.]

I just don't understand what the school really wants to teach us.
Why is that you tell us "Be grateful for every small thing in life", "Be happy with what you have, no matter how small" etc (you get my point), but gives us a dressing down for embracing our slight improvements even though our marks are still not ideal?
"One step at a time" they said. Lies.

How is it even fair that the first four classes can applaud and cheer for themselves for their improvement, no matter how slight? Is it just because they are better off than we are currently? I am sorry principal but what the hell? WHAT FOR learn how to be grateful/contented only when you are in good circumstances (already)? Isn't that missing the point entirely, which is to be grateful/contented ESPECIALLY when you are in bad circumstances?

It's not like i don't know your intentions are kind, and for the good of us, but then, why is it that when the first four classes do badly, it is usually

  1. Ignored
  2. You tell them "It is ok you tried your best"

But when the rest of the classes do badly

  1. Our mistakes are immediately in the spotlight, like as if humiliation will spur us on to do better.
  2. You tell us "See, that is what you get for not working hard."

Do you honestly think we spend all of our time sleeping away and eating. Are you serious. I have friends from the first four classes and you don't fool me principal, i know sometimes they sleep and text in class more often than we do. Why is it never brought up? Oh because their conduct doesn't matter cause they do well? Oh i see.
We know you care, but being hot headed teens, being harsh with us isn't gonna help. Well, at least not with everyone. (Jeez, signing us up for DISC profiling when you yourself seem so unaware of CLASHING personality types and how different people work differently) Don't you think saying "You didn't do well enough this time, but continue to work hard, we know you can do it/you're all better than that" is 10 times more effective than your hasty generalizations? A little morale goes a long way, yeah?

Also, being disallowed to feel happy about our own slight achievements will just cause us to lose our motivation hello? Why are we so happy? You must think we really enjoy seeing our results huh? Happy merry lot you say, well in my opinion i think it is better than people who are never satisfied and constantly wallowing in self pity. How is it a bad thing that we decide not to cry and be sad over a small setback in life? All you see is negativity, thinking that we are happy about our bad results, when in fact we are happy we made slight improvements, and work even harder. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO all of us are fools for feeling happy! None of us deserves the happiness we feel! That is because none of us will make it into our dream jc!
Bla, bla, bla. 

Firstly, you just make me not want to go to jc even though i still know your intentions are good and you want me to be able to have choices. It is like suddenly all our achievements are invalid.
And suddenly, having a positive spirit is wrong.
And then all the threatening starts.
Oh, no more Os for you.
Oh, no future.
Oh, all of you are going to retain.
Oh, all of you won't even make it to JC.
I am not just going to wake up one day, and decide to work extremely hard because i feel depressed about my results/circumstances. I am however, more likely to wake up, drag my feet, and not want to do anything because anything i do doesn't seem to be helping things all, and nobody believes in me anyway, so why try?

Saying that the last seven classes never studied.
With all due respect Mdm, but you don't know anything so hush. (plz, fuck off)
Totally man principal! While the first four classes were slogging their butts off, we were out drinking and making merry, sniffing drugs and having wild sex! We were on the internet and games, we were burning our books! I mean, who cares right?!1!11!11!
I wonder what cctvs are for in school. If you bothered to look properly, i am sure you would have seen us studying. I would bet you anything that we all tried.

"If the first four classes can  ... why can't you?"
If i can do a split, why can't the rest of the sec 3 students do it too?
If i can run fast, why can't the rest of the sec 3 students do it too?
If i can drink milk and grow tall, why aren't the rest of the sec 3 students tall too?
If i can score for history, why do some sec 3 students fail it?
Do you know how absurd your comparison is.
If other principals can be so well liked by their school, and achieve good results too, why can't you?
Why are we being judged like how a fish is being judged on it's ability to walk on land compared to people?
Or at least that is how i see it. But i know better than to wish things were fair right? Nothing is fair.

^That being said, if nothing is fair, it means that sometimes....
People can do less but achieve more. Unfair.
Not all people are equally talented. There are bound to be losers. Unfair.
Not all people can do what others can. Unfair.

I am so sick of your shit principal, i don't care if you're biased, or superbly stereotypical, but please take your bullshit somewhere else.
Mr Long said i'd never make it anywhere except St Hildas Sec (i wish this happened though, ugh)
But guess who didn't believe him at all, ignored him, and still got to where i am today?

So yup.
You're not going to bring us down.
I don't feel like i let myself down either.
My class didn't let ourselves down either. Why should we be so blue about it?
We did our best, (maybe not YOUR best), but at least we know we are accountable to ourselves.
So please, before i lose all control and throw a shoe at you the next time, please, for mercy's sake, attend some speech workshops or whatnots. You are by far the worst speaker i have ever seen who doesn't have her facts right, and the most negative one. Motivational level? Zero.

So, what exactly are we supposed to learn again?

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