Friday, October 5, 2012

I have been finding it exceedingly hard to believe hard work pays off.
Well at least all the papers so far (with the exception of literature and english),
 have stabbed Regine and I in the back (◣_◢)

“I want to feel all there is to feel, he thought.
 Let me feel tired, now, let me feel tired. 
I mustn't forget, I’m alive, I know I’m alive,
 I mustn't forget it tonight or tomorrow or the day after that.”
Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine

i will seek comfort in vitasoy
6 papers down, 3 more to go! 
And honestly, the only times i feel slightly more alive/conscious is when i get to go home/encounter animals
I really don't know what i am doing wrong meow. I hold no hopes of getting out of ALPS.
I guess that is what happens when you try to use the same mugging method on our batch eh, smart principals? I know they mean well and want us to score well/are trying to scare us into studying by imposing extra alps and "no-life" punishment for underperformers, but seriously, all you guys have achieved is: us, the very adaptive-to-change sec 3s, to all give up, suck it up, and accept that we have to be in school for the most part during holidays. It's not like we haven't been in school till 6pm before. It's not like we haven't tried studying for 9 hours straight in a day before. In fact, we do that almost everyday. You know what? We are all losing interest in doing well so good job!11!1!!1!1!1 
Night study till 9pm? So be it man, i have explored most places of Singapore and i have no qualms about staying in that shithole of a school for about.... 15 hours. No problem at all, as long as i have something to occupy me. Well for me at least  i am sure i am so used to this lifestyle i don't even bother anymore. We, have resigned to fate that we will go through this "punishment". Oh, and did i mention? Your description of a bicultural scholar is supz ridiculous i cannot even respond appropriately.

bla bla bla hitty bla, i lack loyalty to the school bla bla bla
sorry lol the only appreciation i have are for my teachers, the canteen stall owners and the cleaner who cleans the 5th level. I pay for my notes and worksheets so, hussssh. Even the new tables and chairs. We pay for that shit k, although it looks as if our school provides us with great facilities. No, just, no. (gracious if any of the school staff is stalking this please accept my proposal to change our curtains cause they are dirty and all falling out of place thx)

It is so exhausting to talk to people who constantly expect something from you.
Look if you knew me well enough you'd know i am very unresponsive most of the time, and i see no reason why i should apologise to you, OR why are you even complaining about it when all my friends just suck it up/tease me for it. They never ever guilt trip me so stop it okay, who are you anyway?

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