Wednesday, March 14, 2018

this. the initial sigh that escapes your mouth when your knotted neck collapses into the pillows - a more deliberate trust fall, a trust that knocks the breath out from the back of your throat; the kind you are afraid of, the kind that reminds you of: thank you-s. this.

i could live with this.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

tonight we finally had the conversation we failed to have since 2009.
tonight i get to listen to the song that reminds me most of us, and it actually does now.
the dreaming days when the mess was made

any tinge of regret has probably long ago faded, but tonight we laugh at our childlike foolishness. tonight we say things we should have said to one another years and years ago, but there is no ache, only smiles and gratefulness. tonight we know we are still young at matters of the heart. tonight i know this friendship is set in stone. tonight i know, for sure, this is not making itself onto my regret list. we have changed but we're the same, after all that we've been through, i know we're cool. tonight i am infinitely grateful we managed to grow up together; that throughout these years we have unknowingly eased into a comfort zone we never even realised was there. i'm glad i get to see you become an uncle over and over again. i'm glad i can witness all your milestones and i cannot wait for your own child, you awful(ly gr8) babysitter. happy birthday old sport. happy 10th year of this friendship, appreciate you lots and lots (if, somehow you pass by HAHAHAHA)